The FastDay Forum

Delighted or Disappointed?

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I am under 10st for the first time since I was about 11 years old. Today I weighed in at 9.13. Single figures - woo hoo! I'm sure it'll change again tomorrow but I nearly fell off the scales this morning :-) :smile:
well done :)
:like: :like: Congrats! Onward & downwards!
Nice work, congratulations!!
Well done!
You've just hit my target!!!!!!!!!
That's great for you. Well done and enjoy :smile:
Wonderful. Will be happy if I ever get to say the same!
Congratulations @loversghost :like: :clover: :heart:
Well done Liz enjoy the moment and if that number disappears for a while its sure to reappear
your numbers are just dreams to me.
Well done you must feel amazing :victory:
@loversghost, I bet that was an awesome moment!
Great news! Thanks for reporting it! I'm not sure what it means in kilos, but it sounds impressive.
That's my target too! well done, proof it works!
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