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Re: One year on and ...
01 May 2014, 07:46
Silverdarling wrote: @Melinda_in_NC[/ [tag]Ballerina @Nessie and gang will testify, I'm a very shy person! :shock: :lol: :wink:

Phitt......splutter..........cough...........wipes coffee from screen.......and reads again..........laughs uproariously..........mmmmmm..........hee goodness me...........SHY?.....Silverdarling?...........

NEVER! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: One year on and ...
01 May 2014, 09:41
@Silverdarling You may say that but I couldn't possibly comment. :wink:
Re: One year on and ...
01 May 2014, 09:51
Did she actually say that she is SHY??????????????
Re: One year on and ...
01 May 2014, 17:44
Haha! :lol: :lol: :lol: thought that might get a rise out of people :lol: :lol: :lol: it sounds like @Ballerina and @Nessie don't believe it - and @TML13 you don't either, although we've not met (yet !!!) :grin: :razz:

Sorry @Melinda_in_NC to hijack what was a well meant comment - just could not resist :shock: :wink: there may be a forthcoming photo opportunity at another meet up with @PennyForthem @Callyanna and @Merlin - that's if they're not feeling shy about a full length, full on photo :shock: :shock: :shock:

As for Ballerina, she will be in Rome ... TML13 will be in Athens ... And Nessie will be in the Northern Highlands, probably under a shedload of May snow!!!!!
Re: One year on and ...
01 May 2014, 17:49
Yes the tweed vest may have to come out again.
Re: One year on and ...
01 May 2014, 18:02
Many congratulations on your very inspiring journey SD, you've done BRILLIANTLY!

I'm sure those last few lbs will be gone very soon, good luck!
Re: One year on and ...
01 May 2014, 18:11
Haha @winsome not so sure - just had a carby tea - pasta carbonara !!!!! :shock: :lol: not had pasta for quite a while, but just had all the right ingredients and fancied it, so went for it :cool: I suppose this WoE is about having what you want when you want - occasionally :wink: if not all the time!
Re: One year on and ...
01 May 2014, 19:40
Mmmmmmmm pasta... I had some today for dinner AND for lunch. I was talking to my mum today about pasta and she said that if a person ate pasta more often than I do, they'd have to be from a planet where they have 8 days in a week, LOL. I replied that she's exaggerating. I didn't eat pasta on Easter Sunday, did I???

SD, one doesn't have to meet you to know that you aren't shy. Besides, I wouldn't be friends with a shy person. Shy people can't tolerate me!!!
Re: One year on and ...
01 May 2014, 20:48
TML13 wrote: Did she actually say that she is SHY??????????????

YES she did :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Re: One year on and ...
01 May 2014, 22:08
Cheeky over- rules the shy then @Silverdarling aka Bert aka red. Rest my case

And Sue @Sue.Q your award has been snatched again

@TML13 your perky avatar a sight for sore eyes, hello there lovely one, hope all is wonderful in your life
Re: One year on and ...
01 May 2014, 23:02
Was just going to mention that ... @Sue.Q you must have been naughty again! :lol: :shock: :lol: what have you been up to? Come on now - 'fess up! :wink:
Re: One year on and ...
02 May 2014, 08:09
Is there an award-snatcher around?

Hello, Gillimary, all's well, I want to believe. Except for a broken PC, a broken washing machine and the fact that I'm looking for a new apartment to move in because this one has mouldy walls and the owner keeps on postponing to fix it. At least Summer is coming and I can be happy again!!! :-D
Re: One year on and ...
02 May 2014, 08:40
TML13 wrote: Is there an award-snatcher around-D

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
Yes apparently there is @TML13 but either they've returned my awards or I'm seeing thing others aren't :shock:
Must be old age time for an eye test. Lol
:clover: Good. Luck with the hunt for your new apartment. :heart:
Re: One year on and ...
02 May 2014, 08:47
Its great to read the success of people on this forum. I am only one month into the fasting way of life, but already I feel my waist smaller. I put my hands on my waist when barking orders to the family and I am actually smiling because my waist is.... well a waist! XXX
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