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Re: Pretty chuffed really!
16 Apr 2014, 13:22
Debs wrote: Blimey, that was quick!!! Well done on your amazing achievement!

Agree @Debs doesn't seem very long since we did the Welcome bit where you gave your Kirk Douglas impression.
While @carorees And me avoided it.
Blimey March 3rd!!!! Well done indeed.
:clover: :clover: :clover:
Re: Pretty chuffed really!
16 Apr 2014, 13:39
Well done you must be over the moon, have a great birthday.
Re: Pretty chuffed really!
16 Apr 2014, 16:41
That's really great, well done and enjoy :like:

Good luck with maintenance. It's worth reading through many of the threads about it. Don't just stop fasting or you will soon slide. Take it from someone who has been at target weight twice in her life, you are better keeping on top of it from the very beginning.
Re: Pretty chuffed really!
17 Apr 2014, 06:22
Thanks everyone, got an appointment with Occ Health at work this morning, so I'll let you know how my BP/Heart rate has changed (if at all!!) :bugeyes:

Winsome - At the moment I'm finding it hard to not fast any more. I feel like I'm cheating if I eat too much. I guess it's about finding an equilibrium and a level I can live with.
Re: Pretty chuffed really!
17 Apr 2014, 06:26
Wow Spartacus! Already??? Fabulous. Well done :victory: :victory: :victory:
Re: Pretty chuffed really!
17 Apr 2014, 07:25
That is an amazing achievement - well done Doug :high5: and good luck with maintenance :clover:
Re: Pretty chuffed really!
17 Apr 2014, 11:02
Woohoo! Been for my mini health check-up at Occupational Health and really happy with the results.

So December 2012 I was 105kgs (16st 7lbs) and had a BP of 150/97. Not good!

Today after losing the 32lbs since Jan 20th this year, I'm 88kgs (13st13lbs) and BP is now 132/79.

Cholesterol is 4.39, and Glucose is 3.9 ( Glucose a bit low actually as I was fasting before the check-up although she said I hadn't needed to).

Q-Risk (No I'd never heard of it either!) is 4.6% Apparently this is a measure of how likely you are to have a heart attack, and 4.6 is very good.

So good news all round and feeling really happy that it's all been worthwhile and actually changed things for the better.

So anyone that's slogging away and wondering if it's worth it, yes it is, keep going!
Re: Pretty chuffed really!
17 Apr 2014, 11:13
Great results @Spartacus Well done a fantastic achievement indeed. :like: :clover:
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