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Pretty chuffed really!
17 Mar 2014, 05:23
Reached 14st 6lbs yesterday, a pound under my goal weight. My BMI is still a little high though at 26.77, down from just over 30 when I started.
Things I've found though is that I've felt more like exercising since I've lost weight, so maybe the increase in exercise will naturally take care of the BMI without having to go to something like 13st 10lbs just to get the BMI under 25.
Had several people say I should stop now, not sure whether that is just because people are used to the 'big, cuddly Doug' though. I may keep on 'til I get to 14st 3lbs or thereabouts, to give myself a buffer zone to try and keep between.
Got my Birthday coming up on Friday, so looking forward to a nice meal in the evening which I'm really going to enjoy!
Re: Pretty chuffed really!
17 Mar 2014, 05:42
That's really good Spartacus. Well done you! BMI is a somewhat arbitrary number. Your waist to height ratio is a much better indicator of health. Sadly, much as exercise is really good for us in so many ways, it isn't particularly effective at reducing weight.
How do you feel? Are you happy in your slimmed down body? As you say, other people's opinions may be skewed by what they are used to seeing.
Quite a few maintainers work within a 'buffer zone ' successfully. Sounds like a good strategy.
Enjoy your birthday on Friday and well done again!
Re: Pretty chuffed really!
17 Mar 2014, 06:13
My OH is also very tall and if he worked on the BMI numbers he would look too skinny - somehow it doesn't work that well for tall people. I think you should just work with what you are comfortable with. He likes to stick at around 14st. Take your time and see how you feel when you get there. Well done :like:
Re: Pretty chuffed really!
17 Mar 2014, 08:38
Thanks ladies. Yes, I feel great actually, walking out with the dog is so much easier, feels like I'm floating.
Think you're right rawkaren, I'm over 6ft, and would have to be around 13st 10lbs just to get to a BMI of 25.
I've got a few of the guys at work onto the diet, and given them the link for this site too. Hope they can change the way they look at food too.
Re: Pretty chuffed really!
17 Mar 2014, 08:55
That's so wonderful Doug! Congratulations and well done!!!!
Re: Pretty chuffed really!
17 Mar 2014, 10:22
Well done Doug and good on you for spreading the word!
Re: Pretty chuffed really!
17 Mar 2014, 10:37
Congratulations, @Spartacus, you have certainly lost your weight in a truly spectacular way. Twenty five pounds in eight weeks! :shock: My husband is six feet four inches and he weighs 14 stone 4 pounds and still has a 'tummy' on him. I think that he could lose another half a stone and still not look scrawny. Only you can decide what is right for you, so take what others are saying with a good pinch of scepticism! Once again, well done, Doug, - no make that very, very well done! :grin:
Re: Pretty chuffed really!
17 Mar 2014, 12:58
Well done@spartacus Amazingly fast weight loss. If you feel right stop where you are. If I ever reach my revised target I will still be overweight by BMI and I am only 5'3" but I will assess things again at that point
Re: Pretty chuffed really!
17 Mar 2014, 13:07
From a female point of view I prefer the toned look to the scrawny look. If you do exercise your BMI may go the wrong way as you could well put on heavier muscle. There was a lot of problems in the Australian military because they were going purely by the BMI to judge the fitness of their people. So really well muscled. fit men were being sidelined till they had lost weight. There are blokes in the gym I go to that have BMI's of over 30. But they are pure muscle and as wide as garage doors, yet only 5 foot 9 inch. So just do a regular check in the mirror and adjust your eating and lifestyle to suit yourself.
Re: Pretty chuffed really!
17 Mar 2014, 13:11
Well done @Spartacus :like: :victory: - hope you have a fantastic birthday :heart:
Re: Pretty chuffed really!
17 Mar 2014, 15:47
Yay.....go you @Spartacus!

A brilliant achievement - you must be so chuffed!

We like success stories on here - gives the rest of us something to aim at!

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
Re: Pretty chuffed really!
17 Mar 2014, 16:55
Hey Spartacus,i' m Spartacus, :grin: :lol:
Well done and i feel this will be avery special birthday for you! X
Re: Pretty chuffed really!
16 Apr 2014, 10:17
Thanks for the kind words everyone. Well...I've arrived and it feels a little odd.
I was 13st 13lbs yesterday morning, and after a 12 mile walk with the dog lost another pound so I'm going to call it a day.
I need to get my head around maintaining the correct weight now, but feeling fantastic! :smile:
Re: Pretty chuffed really!
16 Apr 2014, 10:19
Blimey, that was quick!!! Well done on your amazing achievement!
Re: Pretty chuffed really!
16 Apr 2014, 13:16
Hey @Spartacus Well done Doug great work and yes the walking does get easier quicker and longer as we lose the pounds and probably made the dog happy also. :clover: :clover:
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