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Re: Snacking urges in evening.
02 Apr 2014, 00:56
Hi Candice - I'm still around, doing more lurking than posting these days.

Coincidentally, I've just had an evening (well, morning) snack - just a spoonful or two of the chilli non carne which was sitting on the hob, plus a small roll from the freezer. Oh, and a glass of red!

I have absolutely no hangups about these munchies - I just tell myself I've had breakfast a tad early, so I won't eat until about one tomorrow.

Mind you, I tend not to eat breakfast these days - I find it's much easier, and means I can have more later in the day.

I've been maintaining for about 18 months, now, and I'm completely relaxed about my food intake. I know if I over-indulge (like the 4 Chelsea buns - home-made - I had last week), I just need to go easy the next day. My weight hasn't varied more than a couple of pounds in that 18 months - even over Christmas. Because I was doing a version of 16:8 and having a low calorie dinner when celebrations allowed, I didn't put on an ounce.

Bit different to previous years when I'd put 3 or 4 pounds on and struggle to lose the weight by Easter. Nowadays I'm completely in control of my weight.

I do still fast on a Monday, generally having a low calorie - <100 - dinner, and I feel on top of the world.

I have added exercise to my daily routine - alternate days of kettlebell swinging and weight-bearing exercises (press-ups, etc), which adds to my feeling of well-being.

All in all, as Ian Fletcher says on W1A, " that's all good." :smile:

Edited at 3.25 to say I've just put the wine bottle away! [hic]
Re: Snacking urges in evening.
05 Apr 2014, 07:07
Brand-ie wrote: Learn to knit or cross stitch keeping your hands busy plus it's harder to eat if you are doing something.

Just wanted to say a big thank you to Brand-ie for this suggestion. I have the worst snacking urges of an evening but since I bought myself a knitting and cross stitch starter kit I have successfully got through the evenings without reaching for the chocolate or crisps, especially on a fast night. Its done wonders for my weight loss already! THANK YOU. :heart:
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