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Snacking urges in evening.
31 Mar 2014, 19:15
Hello every one!
I am really pleased I have reached my target weight, but now after the evening meal on my fast day I'll sit there and give in sometimes to extras like cheese, and lots of fruit.( I'm a fruit freak!) and then wish I hadn't. I'm active all day, so don't really want to go out to activities in the evening which would probably help! I must be more strong willed. :oops:
Re: Snacking urges in evening.
31 Mar 2014, 19:22
Well done on reaching yr target Janet x good work!
Evening snacking is my bete noir also - wish i knew the solution to that one! X
Re: Snacking urges in evening.
31 Mar 2014, 19:27
I don't know how you feel about artificial sweeteners. I often sip on a drink - a slimline tonic with ice and lemon or a 'mocktail' - diet ginger beer with soda water, lime juice and a splash of angostura bitters. If I have enough calories 100g raspberries around 10pm. Celery is also good - with salt, marmite or laughing cow light
Re: Snacking urges in evening.
31 Mar 2014, 19:31
Hi @janetapplewood Welcome we don't here much from you do we?
Well done on getting to your target weight that must feel good I'm a fruity freek also but I think the sugar in the fruits creates further cravings for me at least, I'm thinking
nuts + seeds + veggies
a better option for you to munch on in the evenings.
Good luck and pop back in more often.
:clover: :clover:
Re: Snacking urges in evening.
01 Apr 2014, 16:16
Take it from one who learned the hard way, you do NOT want to snack on nuts and seeds, no matter how healthy.

I'm putting in the hard months now trying to get back to goal after overdoing a sunflower seed habit last fall. It started out modestly, and I was eating perhaps 100 calories a snack but over time my craving for more started to expand to where I was eating double that each day. With a TDEE around 1550, that extra 200 calories was a killer. Worst of all, the more I ate of the seeds, the hungrier I became, too. So they are now off limits, permanently.
Re: Snacking urges in evening.
01 Apr 2014, 16:46
It's funny but I was just wondering the other day what happens when you reach goal. Do you feel more hungry on fast days? (Emptier?) or do you find you just can't eat as much as you did?

Well done on reaching your target! You must feel very pleased :smile:

Bean :starving:
Re: Snacking urges in evening.
01 Apr 2014, 18:07
Learn to knit or cross stitch keeping your hands busy plus it's harder to eat if you are doing something.
Re: Snacking urges in evening.
01 Apr 2014, 18:33
The only way I cracked this was to ensure I have no naughties in. So short of walking round to the supermarket in the dark, I can't snack. Saves money too!
Re: Snacking urges in evening.
01 Apr 2014, 19:20
I find if stuff is out of sight, I can resist. Also herbal teas might help. Maybe try peppermint or green. Or read a book to take your mind off the nibbles. How about allowing yourself one or two days (weekend?) a week to snack and tell yourself the other days are to be snack free. Congrats on reaching your target by the way :)
Re: Snacking urges in evening.
01 Apr 2014, 19:49
I am trying to take a five minute walk in the evening when the craving starts. Since the weather is finally getting nicer, I can take the dog out instead of the treadmill. Usually, 5 minutes is a commercial break on American TV! Then I also have some yum yum gum (no sugar or artificial sweeteners). Sometimes when all else fails, I phone a friend, jump on this forum and when none of that works., I go to bed early. I never used to do that, I always gave in, but right now, 5:2 is working for me, so I want to keep the momentum going. Good luck.
Re: Snacking urges in evening.
01 Apr 2014, 20:22
Actually that's a very good point, @Minumonline I haven't had chocolate since Feb 10 so I haven't had chocolate bars in the house since then. If I did, I guess my weight wouldn't be dropping! Having said that, my parents do enjoy marshmallow tea cakes from M&S (where else, eh?!) but I have bean strong enough to say "No"! So brave :shock:

Bean :starving:
Re: Snacking urges in evening.
01 Apr 2014, 21:51
Congrats on reaching your goal weight! I'm not sure I have any advice beyond what's already been said. Good luck!
Re: Snacking urges in evening.
01 Apr 2014, 22:29
I've had the same dilemma with snacking and adding calories that have not been set aside AFTER I finish my dinner. You can see my weight fluctuate on my progress chart since I reached goal in January and I'm trying to figure out the best thing to do

On the one hand, depriving myself will only make me feel like I'm on a diet and for me, that's not sustainable in the long run. On the other hand as someone else mentioned, an extra 200 calories (heck even 100) on my small frame and TDEE of 1360 will start to add pounds

I've tried 5:2 and overeating one of the 5 days to stop my body going into starvation, and sticking to my TDEE the other days and it kind of worked but I struggled to keep to the 1360 on my feed days

So I'm now trying 4:3 - I like the simplicity of it, fast a day, skip a day, fast a day etc and so far I seem to be maintaining quite well. I know that at the weekend I can go up to 1800 calories a day, stick close to 1400 the other two days and 500/600 on my fast days.

So may be think about changing your eating habits? Adding an extra fast day to allow these indulgences?

The alternative is not to have them in your house - but I know when I'm in a snacks mood, I'd eat anything!

Good luck!
Re: Snacking urges in evening.
01 Apr 2014, 22:54
I've been mulling this one over - when we reach our goal and understand our intake requirements for our new weight eg 500x2 and 1200x5 and then spread them over 7 days and do 16:8 (or something like) which is normal for me - is that maintaining for real? So within those boundaries we have choices, not necessarily fast day munchies, just choices?

I'll continue mulling it - a few months till I hit GOAL. Meanwhile as some one has said on this forum, the kitchen is CLOSED outside meal times. I keep strictly to that.

Re: Snacking urges in evening.
01 Apr 2014, 22:57
The kitchen is now closed!
@LizbeanI am so grateful to @BreadandWine for that statement
Saying it loudly and firmly really helps me..tho it leads to some questioning looks from the neighbours :lol:
Hope B andW is ok? Havent seen him for a while x
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