The FastDay Forum

Delighted or Disappointed?

26 posts Page 1 of 2
so chuffed
20 Feb 2014, 18:01
After gym session, got on the scale and it settled on .... 89.8kg.
first time under 90 in about a year, before I got my running injury.
I know it was at the end of a fast day and after a gym session but who cares.
Re: so chuffed
20 Feb 2014, 18:04
Fan...tastic! What a wonderful achievement

Well done that man :like: :like: :like: :like:

Bean :starving: :wink:
Re: so chuffed
20 Feb 2014, 18:05
Yes who cares, well done and enjoy your chufftyness.
so chuffed
20 Feb 2014, 18:49
After gym session, got on the scale and it settled on .... 89.8kg.
first time under 90 in about a year, before I got my running injury.
I know it was at the end of a fast day and after a gym session but who cares.
Re: so chuffed
20 Feb 2014, 19:12
Who cares indeed! A number shown is a number claimed as far as I'm concerned :like:
Re: so chuffed
20 Feb 2014, 20:03
brian1 wrote: After gym session, got on the scale and it settled on .... 89.8kg.
first time under 90 in about a year, before I got my running injury.
I know it was at the end of a fast day and after a gym session but who cares.

Fantastic news for you! well done!
When you enter a new decile it is such an amazing feeling. Keep it up and you will never see the higher number again.
Re: so chuffed
20 Feb 2014, 20:05
Winsome wrote: Who cares indeed! A number shown is a number claimed as far as I'm concerned :like:

Totally agree! Well done Brian x
Re: so chuffed
20 Feb 2014, 20:07
@Juliana.Rivers is it ok to take xmas club info off signature yet or do you still need it for all yr reckoning ups! X sorry to get in on yr post Brian x
Re: so chuffed
20 Feb 2014, 20:10
Well done Brian, that's just wonderful...great results!

Well done

Bean :starving:
Re: so chuffed
20 Feb 2014, 20:14
:clover: Well done @brian1 A loss is a loss whatever
time of day. :clover: Sue
Re: so chuffed
21 Feb 2014, 04:53
Don't know why this thread appears twice and 48 minutes apart. weird.
Re: so chuffed
21 Feb 2014, 08:03
Looks like my reply disappeared with the other post. Anyway well done a loss is a loss. Well done.
Re: so chuffed
24 Feb 2014, 06:52

Today's weekly weigh in had the dreaded bounce. :bugeyes:

Back to 91.5kg, however on the plus side my waist is down again and the difference is clear on the fit of my trousers.
Re: so chuffed
24 Feb 2014, 18:51
Grrrrrrr.....scales, eh? Who'd have 'em???

They seem to have a total mind of their own....& are rarely in sync with what we feel we deserve!

But....the trousers never lie! Trousers are not as fickle as scales. You know where you are with trousers. Trousers are your friend.......

Go with the trousers - that's my advice.....& very well done!

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:

P.S. If there were a trouser-smilie...I would put a row of them just here.........
Re: so chuffed
24 Feb 2014, 19:16
I am absolutely with Hazelnut20 on the trousers v scales thing. A fixed waistband never lies!
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