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Re: so chuffed
24 Feb 2014, 21:22
brian1 wrote: After gym session, got on the scale and it settled on .... 89.8kg.
first time under 90 in about a year, before I got my running injury.
I know it was at the end of a fast day and after a gym session but who cares.

That's excellent - well done!! :like: :victory:
Re: so chuffed
24 Feb 2014, 21:24
Has to be freshly washed trousers though doesn't it? My jeans start off tight but are loose by day 2.
Re: so chuffed
24 Feb 2014, 21:40
Hello Brian, glad to hear from you. I also bounce up and down over periods of time. When I hit a new low for the first ever time I also jump up and down with joy.

Let's jump! :wink: Well done Brian, very chuffed for you - the UK is jumping with you :like: .

Liz :clover: :like:
Re: so chuffed
25 Feb 2014, 06:24
You guys are so cool. :like:

Trousers are my friend, along with you lot of course, clean trousers are even friendlier. :grin:

And I'm jumping, really I am, the people in the office are looking at me a bit funny but I'm jumping. :wink:
Re: so chuffed
03 Mar 2014, 07:21
This morning's weigh in was great, bounce is something of the past.
Scale dial was definitely left of the 90, only a bit but left none the less.
Measured and waist was 98cm so 1m has been beaten, hovered around the 99cm for a couple of weeks but now 1m is officially gone.

And my BMI is in the 25 range. Happy happy.
Re: so chuffed
03 Mar 2014, 18:50
Agree with all locked my very unfriendly scales away for one month your doing OK @brian1 :clover: Sue
Re: so chuffed
03 Mar 2014, 18:53
Lovely news Brian! X well done you :like: !
Re: so chuffed
03 Mar 2014, 23:55
Go Brian!!@brian1, I have moved from bouncing between 139 and 141 to between 138 and 140.

I'm trending........... in the right direction :victory:

I am tempted to lock my scales away for a while and follow my gut instinct. Humm, I'll go away and think about that one ...
Re: so chuffed
04 Mar 2014, 05:10
cheers @sue q@candicemarie@lizbean :like:
Re: so chuffed
04 Mar 2014, 06:02
Well done Brian. Great job! :like:
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