PennyForthem wrote: Another photo hater here. Others have said much of what I would say. I'd just like to concentrate on your self esteem; you are a much loved wife and mum, yes? They love you as you are, I'd guess, not stressing because you can't appear in photos with them.
So, who cares if you have an extra dimple here, a little too much weight around the midriff or a tad too much padding in the cuddly places?
I take what you say on board about being loved as I am but I don't see me in these photographs, I don't recognise that person. I was very slim for most of my life and so I suppose I have an internal image of myself as a slim person and I just have never been able to adapt that image to my current reality. I know it might sound strange but I almost get a shock when I see a photo of me looking fat, or am in a changing room or something. I know I can't turn back the clock but I'd like to look a little closer to what I think is the 'real me' if you know what I mean.
cblasz wrote: But, I do have a question for you? Do you actually weigh less than a year ago? If so, then I think you are making progress and should be proud of that and just keep at it.
I'm a pound heavier than I was this time last year.
StowgateResident wrote: I used to hate having my photo taken and would do anything to avoid it! A few years ago my daughter, who is a keen photographer, gave me a strict talking to about it. Briefly her message was ' Your photo will be taken at some point so you may as we'll make it the best photo that you can. Shoulders back, turn at an angle to the camera (helps make your hips look slimmer) , smile and look straight down the camera lens!' Since then I have tried to follow her advice and I now manage to end up with a few photos from every holiday that I think are OK.
I hope that you have a wonderful time!

I think the biggest problem is the ones taken when I'm not aware, such as from behind.....I'm always shocked at how wide I look compared to whoever I'm standing next to for example....and the ones taken when I'm laughing can be the worst because I have a habit of throwing my head back when I laugh which shows my worst feature- my neck and chins. I think another reason why it's harder these days is that you never know when someone's going to put a bad photo of you on facebook or something. If its someone I know well I can ask them to remove it but it's not so easy if its someone you don't know well or if its a great photo of someone else!

Anyway I do appreciate each and everyone of you who posted ....I am just juicing today (just to feel better) and will be back on board after my holiday - hopefully to get my motivation and willpower back! So thank you all again for all you kind words and suggestions