With the lastest gain in weight, my weight loss now averages out as under half a pound a week on my tracker but if my tracker stretched back a few more months, then my weight loss would average out as non-existent. I had a target to reach, which I didn't think was that unrealistic. I just wanted a normal BMI before I went on my first holiday abroad for 20 years. I just wanted to feel good about myself. I'm the same weight now that I was a year ago - overweight. I could put up with it if it didn't show on my face so much. All photos taken of me at this weight give me numerous chins and piggy eyes so on this holiday of a lifetime, I'll be avoiding the camera at all costs and so won't be in the photos with my family, which just makes me feel so sad.
It may sound stupid, but I know that when I see really bad photos of me, my mood just plummets and I'm not nice to be around
Sometimes I convince myself that I look alright or even nice - but it's usually photographs or an unexpected mirror in a public place that brings me down to earth with a bump. I haven't been perfect in my habits but I should have lost weight. I know that 5:2 doesn't work for me any more and that I need to do at least 4:3. Unfortunately stress makes this really difficult and my life is stressful to say the least.
Anyway I know all the facts - water intake, TDEE's and all of that, so its not lack of knowledge. Its a combination of reduced metabolism, ibs, stress, and my own weak will. Don't expect anyone to solve my problem but just needed to let this out. Just feel so disappointed and down with myself.