I'm new to this forum and also to this WOL. I've started a few weeks ago, due to health reasons (diabetes and fat liver in my family) and also because I wanted to lose a few kilos to get back to my pre-pill figure.
I've lost 5kg (I suppose mostly water, because I stopped taking the pill). Today, somebody noticed my weight loss and it rather hurt me. I wanted to know, if I'm the only one and if not, if you had similar situations.
Why did it hurt? Firstly, because it was the first thing they said. It seems my weight is something people notice first, and so important they have to comment it right away- no matter how close we are. One thing I encountered several times is that my family says always something about my appearance, whereas my brothers are asked about their job or university or something.
And secondly, they always say stuff like: "When I saw you a few months ago I thought: Wow, they gained a little bit over winter! They got chubby!" I don't know why, but it hurts my past-me. It just fuels my insecurity and I think: "What do they think now about me? What if I lose anohter 5 and they say: Finally you are pretty." And also, I feel that only close friends and close familiy are allowed to judge my weight gain and loss.
Maybe I'm too sensitive, but it's just something I noticed. Not every compliment is a compliment. And my beauty consists of more than my weight.
Well, I just had to get this off my chest. Hopefully I didn't annoy anyone with this...
PS: I'm German, forgive my English!
I'm new to this forum and also to this WOL. I've started a few weeks ago, due to health reasons (diabetes and fat liver in my family) and also because I wanted to lose a few kilos to get back to my pre-pill figure.
I've lost 5kg (I suppose mostly water, because I stopped taking the pill). Today, somebody noticed my weight loss and it rather hurt me. I wanted to know, if I'm the only one and if not, if you had similar situations.
Why did it hurt? Firstly, because it was the first thing they said. It seems my weight is something people notice first, and so important they have to comment it right away- no matter how close we are. One thing I encountered several times is that my family says always something about my appearance, whereas my brothers are asked about their job or university or something.
And secondly, they always say stuff like: "When I saw you a few months ago I thought: Wow, they gained a little bit over winter! They got chubby!" I don't know why, but it hurts my past-me. It just fuels my insecurity and I think: "What do they think now about me? What if I lose anohter 5 and they say: Finally you are pretty." And also, I feel that only close friends and close familiy are allowed to judge my weight gain and loss.
Maybe I'm too sensitive, but it's just something I noticed. Not every compliment is a compliment. And my beauty consists of more than my weight.
Well, I just had to get this off my chest. Hopefully I didn't annoy anyone with this...

PS: I'm German, forgive my English!