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Delighted or Disappointed?

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Resurrecting this post as a continuation of what's doing with moi.
I'm still doing 5:2 not counting calories. Not shifting much weight at all. When I look at the tracker it's very slow and says it'll be 22 weeks until I reach my target weight :shock: and my target is still quite overweight!
So, I have been having mixed fortunes, lose a bit, put it on, waist goes down a bit and then up a bit. I weigh and measure monthly; managed to miss a month and didn't see much change so did daily weighing for a week. Interesting stuff with BIG variations.
Anyway, I am so reluctant to count calories on feed days, so decided to ramp up the exercise after a couple of months of being a couch potato. WIth it getting too hot to breathe here, there is no real chance of incidental exercise so, something was needed. 30 day shred added.
I'm on day 10 and still alive and able to move which is a good thing.
Did a weigh and measure this morning to compare with the beginning stats, Loss of 100g- that's 4 oz! which I'm ok about as my muscles are getting torn to shreds!
14cms down- I measure everywhere, so that's really encouraging.
Then I decided to update the tracker and as I've been doing this for so long- it was quite disappointing.
So, I looked at all my measurements from when I started and added it all up,
I have lost 47cms all over. 18 and a half inches ! :D

Now, I've put out clothes that were doing me no favours and have a very small wardrobe now- and it wasn't that big to start with!
I've only lost a total of 7.7kg in all that time - so it is excedingly slow- about 1/4 - 1/2 lb a week.
it's easy- no hassle, I feel GOOD, and look a bit better.
The tape measure is my friend.
I am going to weigh and measure weekly for a wee while because my next plan is to go to 4:3 to try and kickstart things if the beef isn;t shifting.
And I do want a bit more off before I tootle back home and then hit Paris... (late June) so not a lot of time.
When I said I was in for the long haul I didn't realise how much of a haul it was going to be!
Fast dieters do it slowly :smile:
Hi Janeg, so good to see your progress. It is inspiring because, although the losses are slow, you have stuck with it and those losses have added up! I hope to do the same as I, too, will be in it for the long haul. I fully expect it will be my waist - where I need to lose inches - that will be the most stubborn! Take care! :grin:
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