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Delighted or Disappointed?

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So disappointed :(
Into 7th fast of the year and it's measuring day. I measure all sorts of bits of me and since the last measure in November I have increased by 10.5 cms. It is still an overall decrease since starting 5:2 but is so very discouraging. Relented and weighed myself (a week early and only 3 weeks since weighed last time) and I haven't lost a thing.
Now, before Christmas I wasn't exercising and was having 1200 cals on my feed days 500 on fast days. Since the New Year I have been exercising about 5 times a week and eating mindfully, although 2 fasts were 600 and a bit calories because I miscalculated.
I suppose I am building muscle so that could account for the nil weight loss.
Also checked the BMI thingy and am officially 'obese'. Hate that thing- don't know what possessed me to work it out!
What to do? I feel better with fasting now; I'm not tired and can do things on the fast days. I'm fitting into clothes better too and the muscle beneath the fat is beginning to show. So I'm maybe getting the health benefits without the weight loss. Metabolism must really be screwed.
Oh, well. This is going to be a hard fast day. :cry:
27 Jan 2013, 07:38
Still on 1200 cals? That's a 1000 cals per day on average and you're also exercising now, how many cals you using there?

Stand in front of a mirror and look, if you look and feel better, forget the absolute measurements and think onward and upward. Or get a fat % measurement...
27 Jan 2013, 08:02
Thanks for the reply. I'm not counting cals on the food days now. I row on exercise days, doing 5k in 30 mins and 3 days have high intensity intervals in there too.
I'm toning up and seeing muscle definition so I know there is progress.
Just seems that hard work isn't paying off vanity wise!
And the frocks fit...
It's hard to keep committed and positive when changing lifestyle patterns and the tape measure isn't being nice to me!
27 Jan 2013, 08:14
well, maybe think back to how it was before you started this and think which you prefer and maybe "rest awhile". Be kind to yourself, doing really good.

It's all about framing, if you didn't measure and weigh, would you be happy? I'm not saying don't as I weigh myself every 5 mins, just things move in mysterious ways!
27 Jan 2013, 08:23
janeg, I'm not a medic but it does seem v strange that you can be taking in an average of 1000 cals per day and not losing weight, never mind the exercise (which sounds really good). If you are confident about the calorie counting then it must surely be some sort of fluid retention issue, and if that continues for a prolonged period maybe it indicates a medical condition? Might be worth a visit to your GP (or equivalent if you are not in UK) - if only for reassurance?
27 Jan 2013, 08:33
Thanks for taking the time reply.
dominic, I think my metabolism is shot. Hoping that keeping at it will help sort it out. I did wonder, if by having 1200 cals on feed days and 500 on fast days that I maybe wasn't getting enough. That was the rationale behind stopping counting on feed days. Plus I don't want to get hung up on 'dieting'.
I also swapped from two small feeds on fast days to al the calories at night just because it worked that way. So, I changed quite a few variables at one time - exercise added, change in eating 'method' and calorie input not monitored (in numbers ).
Might go back to how I was doing it and see what happens but keep the exercise in.
I don't retain fluid in a visible manner- no bloating, puffiness or kidney like symptoms. Think it's just my metabolism.
BBT053, yes if I hadn't measured and been disappointed, I wouldn't have weighed. I was so chuffed getting the frocks on but looking at the progress, there is actually more of me than there was at he last statistics session.
And the BMI telling me I'm obese really didn't help!
Must reframe, must reframe mantra required!
27 Jan 2013, 08:38
I think that if you are doing a lot of exercise you could well be building muscle. Do your muscles ache post exercise? That is a sign that there have been micro tears in the muscle (which is what you want if you are to build muscle). During the repair process you get water retention.

If you liked what you see in the mirror, forget the measuring! And eat well on feed days!
27 Jan 2013, 08:53
I know someone ate 1300calories a day,exercised and walked a lot and she wasn't losing anything for weeks. When she stopped exercising and was more relaxed about food her weight showing on the scale dropped. It happened a few times. Maybe a scale with showing percentage of the fat would be good?Xx
27 Jan 2013, 22:04
Don't be too down- hearted janeg, although I can understand the frustration.

It does sound like you're being very strict on yourself. Maybe try eating slightly more when you're not fasting or try some different types of food? It's all an experiment.

And as others have said, if your clothes are looser and you feel better, something positive must be happening! :)

Mix things up a little? But don't give up!
28 Jan 2013, 04:39
Thanks everyone . Yesterday was a tough fast day but I managed. I'll weigh next week and resist statistics for another month and decide what to do then.
03 Feb 2013, 05:19
Update on the disappointing stats for last time.
New weight shows 69.1kg so a loss and the waist measurement is 86cm.
I haven't been able to exercise this week as I've damaged a calf muscle and I've given into the bakewell tart craving.
So in effect I've been lazier, eaten more and yet shifted more beef (even though I'm veggie!)
Strange yet very compelling.
Onwards with a fast day today and I'll keep at it- 2 fasts, not counting calories on feed days but being mindful and exercising when I can.
03 Feb 2013, 09:14
That's great Janeg! :D And how interesting you lost when you ate more?

How much did you lose (I can't see your before weight/ measurement)?
03 Feb 2013, 09:39
Same happened to me!
03 Feb 2013, 09:45
Pooh, lost my response!
Thanks Fast Jo and Caroline. I've lost .9kg. Interesting when 8've been indulging in Bakewell tart. If I hadn't lost anything I intended to go back to monitoring reduced calories on feed days, but it doesn't look as though I need to.
I'll give it another month doing this feed, fast and exercise and look at it again. Not knowing is quite exciting!
03 Feb 2013, 10:28
Maybe Bakewell Tart is the answer?

That would be nice :)

I'm happy for you that you have seen a loss at last. I put on 1.5 pounds this week but I'm hoping it was a temporary blip.
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