The FastDay Forum

Delighted or Disappointed?

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Weighed myself today ( the day after my second fast ) and I'm down 5 whole pounds. I know it's my first week & some of that will be water etc etc but I'm soooo pleased. I have actually found it far easier than what I expected and after thinking about all the food I could have today (a feast day) , I'm not actually that hungry. Have had a cup of coffee and am still pondering.I feel really motivated now and excited that this could really be the answer for me :) :P
Well done Sheilygee! It's nice to see the loss, and only some of it can be water - I think it's usually only about 2lb in the body's glycogen stores! :D
Well done!
That's wonderful! Well done on a great start and hope it continues to be easy and effective.

I'm hoping for the same - 20 pounds to go!
Thankyou :) We're on our way !!
Sheilygee wrote: Weighed myself today ( the day after my second fast ) and I'm down 5 whole pounds. I know it's my first week & some of that will be water etc etc but I'm soooo pleased. I have actually found it far easier than what I expected and after thinking about all the food I could have today (a feast day) , I'm not actually that hungry. Have had a cup of coffee and am still pondering.I feel really motivated now and excited that this could really be the answer for me :) :P

Well done, I also lost weight in my first week 6lbs, think I have found a diet that actually works!
Isn't it a fantastic feeling when the weight starts to come off. And it'll continue that way too - just keep at it. Well done you. I've been doing this since November and the weight is slowly but steadily coming off. And all those other health benefits too. Fantastic ! Keep it up Sheilygee
Well done Sheilygee. It's great to hear this, it does motivate me.
I've started this diet on Monday and it's only the beginning for me as well. I'm on my 2nd fast day today and will probably weight myself tomorrow morning.
Can't wait!
Well done you! I'm going to weigh in tomorrow after my second fast day, hope my results are as great as yours. Feeling really positive :D
Aww thanks all for your comments. On my 3rd fast day today but not going to weigh myselfuntil tuesday after my 4th :)
Good luck! I'm struggling today - it has to happen sometimes I guess - but the thought of stepping on the scales tomorrow has spurred me on!

Lets keep going!
I'm not eating until dinner today. Not particularly hungry today but ever so slightly fuzzy headed. Don't think I've had enough water though. I'm a bit worried about scales tomorrow as I'd put on after last feast days. Think I may leave it 'til tuesday after mondays fast. ......if I can resist. Have you eaten yet today ?
I had a very small breakfast today and a miso soup.

Ok I admit it, am having a tiny glass of wine while I wait for my dinner. Ok, ok - AND let's not forget bits of Caesar salad left in the bowl!

So not a perfect day but better than a usual bad day!

Am just cooking skinless chicken breast roasted in Parma ham, homemade chips in fry light and salad.

It could be better.

But could be a whole lot worse!!!!

The weather is so not helping! Dark, cold, windy and driving rain. Not really 'go for a walk' weather! Hope Aberdeen is better! Where are you outside Aberdeen? My husband's family is from round Inverurie and Rafford.
That's fantastic! You must be feeling great. I have just completed my 3rd fast day and I'm avoiding weighing myself until I have done 6 fast days as I know my body is slow to turn around! I definitely feel that my tummy is not so fat. one amazing thing is the other day on a fast day i was at the gym and did a Zumba class, usually i have to step through some of the galloping jumping parts, but i did them all easily! more energy than usual. I agree I think this is finally something that works! Yay!
It's exciting isn't it Mullumgirl ? Think that's a good idea re scales as can be a bit disheartening to weigh after a feast day ! I've been stuck mostly in the house this week with my daughter who's been off sick from school but I'm looking forward to getting back to Curves next week to see if that helps speed things along ! Fast Jo - that made me laugh :) There's been a few times I've had to stop myself just as I was about to scoff bits of the kids plates or take a pack of crisps from the cupboard. It's making me realise how many calories I mindlessly consumed before ! And yes it could be a WHOLE lot worse !! Been a bit blowy here too (weather wise ;) ). I'm in Stonehaven which is 13 miles south of Aberdeen. You maybe heard about the recent floods here. I love this Forum. It's great to have the support of others !!
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