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Reflecting 15 weeks on.
10 May 2013, 19:49
I've updated my blog with an entry about my experience after 15 weeks on 5:2. I should be about a stone lighter after 15 weeks, but I'm actually a full stone and 10 pounds lighter!

Looking back at my stats with the benefit of hindsight I can report that the short version is:

* Water fasting speeded up my weight loss from 1lb per week on normal, 500cal 5:2 to 2lb per week with two water fasts per week.

* Cutting out coffee with milk and sugar during fasts made no difference to my 2lb per week rate of weight loss. So to all those agonising over whether to put milk on your coffee or have a hot chocolate, just have it!

* In the last 3 weeks, I've slowed to 1lb per week. I'm doing nothing different, I think. I've concluded it's because my tdee has reduced, but my total calories haven't.

I bang on about the mental well being benefits in the blog again too. But I really can't overstate how much I value the general well being benefits of 5:2.

Best wishes fellow fasters!
redhead x
Re: Reflecting 15 weeks on.
10 May 2013, 19:52
Your weight loss is amazing! Thank you for the tips :)
Re: Reflecting 15 weeks on.
10 May 2013, 20:03
Well done redhead. I have milk in my tea and am still losing weight.
When I think of all the money I wasted on WW but not anymore and how much better and richer (in so many ways!) i feel on this WOE I to agree on how much I am into this totally new lifestyle,
Re: Reflecting 15 weeks on.
10 May 2013, 20:10
WOW! Great weight loss, congratulations!

As soon as I leave this rough time behind me, I need to reboot and rethink and replan, I'm bored of being stuck!
Re: Reflecting 15 weeks on.
10 May 2013, 20:24
Wendydarling did u find the water fasts cut down what u ate on the feed days? Or no difference. I used to fast (real water fasts for days @ a time)about 20 years ago and I used to cut back on caffeine/food before fast and gradually increase after fast. Not sure I have the balls to water fast now as my mind is weaker ;>) however I may contemplate this as my weight loss is slow even with ADF.
Re: Reflecting 15 weeks on.
10 May 2013, 20:33
Thanks folks! I'm in this for the long haul so while water fasting works for me I'm not knocking normal 5:2 if it returns a steady weight loss for others. I've tried water fasting for more than 40 hours and just felt rubbish afterwards so 36 - 40 hours suits me and it really only involves missing one meal if you just have one 500cal meal on a fast day and aren't a breakfast person like me.
Re: Reflecting 15 weeks on.
10 May 2013, 20:37
Can you explain the water fasting for those that are confused!!!
Re: Reflecting 15 weeks on.
10 May 2013, 20:41
No food at all, just water!
Re: Reflecting 15 weeks on.
10 May 2013, 20:51
2 days in a row?
Re: Reflecting 15 weeks on.
10 May 2013, 20:58
No not two days in a row. I usually do Mondays and Thursdays. So that means I have an evening meal on Sunday and then nothing but water until Tuesday morning/ lunchtime. Then I eat normally until Wednesday evening, then nothing again until Friday morning.

It sounds crazy but I find it easier than having a 500 cal meal.
Re: Reflecting 15 weeks on.
10 May 2013, 20:59
8.8 kgs in 15 weeks & 4 days & 30 fasts. Two fasts a week except for one week off. I have three mugs of tea with skimmed milk each fast day included in my 500 cals. Am thrilled with my progress and thank heavans I found this WOL. Loads to go still but am shedding the weight and the BMI is slowly coming down.
Re: Reflecting 15 weeks on.
10 May 2013, 21:21
Wow Peta that's a fantastic result! I've seen so many people on here agonise about having tea/ coffee with milk/ sugar and I worried about it a bit too but it obviously doesn't have much of an impact. Sustainability is the key and so if a few hot drinks help then that's all that matters!
Re: Reflecting 15 weeks on.
10 May 2013, 21:42
Congratulations on your success, Redhead, and thanks for the tips! Information like this from you and other posters has really helped me in the close-to-8 weeks I've be practicing this WOE. :like:
Re: Reflecting 15 weeks on.
10 May 2013, 22:05
Those are great tips! I am intrigued to try a water fast next week.
Re: Reflecting 15 weeks on.
10 May 2013, 22:19
Well done Redhead. You are an inspiration to us all and such a wonderful support to the gang who started 36 hour liquid fasting a few weeks ago.
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