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Re: Disappointing docs visit.
30 May 2013, 19:09
One thing that crossed my mind was the fact that, for the first time in years, she changed the cuff over to the smaller one. They have always had to use the large one in the past but this last month or so I have lost a lot off the tops of my arms. I know that its oimportant to use the correct cuff to get an accurate reading.

I've decided that I'm not going to worry about it, but it has concentrated my brain into getting back on a proper low carb regime and ditch the idea of sugar and chocolate! Until I get back into my routine I will skip breakfast and eat a light lunch as late as I can manage so it will be a low carb 16/8 rather than the regular 5:2. that way I'm not having to work round the dreaded calories.
Re: Disappointing docs visit.
06 Jun 2013, 12:21
Hi Miffy

I know the cuffs squeeze quite tight, but most machines are set up to go to the minimum pressure required to cut off the bloodflow. They will then take it up in small steps until the flow stops, and then complete the tests as quickly as possible. It can be painful with or without FMS, but it is temporary so if you can meditate yourself calm through this short procedure that may help.

You are right that the cuff could have made quite a difference - they are marked with sizing lines, so if you can see that it is out of range, speak up! They are unlikely to have the calf or thigh cuffs at a doctor's surgery, but if these take the heat off your arm, they might be a more acceptable alternative.

There is always this list of top tips from the Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency, which may help toward understanding your situation. If you notice that the person taking your blood pressure is not following these guidelines, do not be afraid to show them the list and why you think it is not going well. ... 024057.pdf

Previously, there was another set of tips which included the following:

The patient needs to be settled, so optimally will have been sitting calmly for at least 5 mins - better still 20 - before the test is performed.

The patient should not be engaged into conversation during the reading - it will go up with the activity. Remember that if you fidget your legs, or you are not seated comfortably (legs bent tightly under your knees/chair, back unsupported, etc) that too could affect the readings.

The first reading can be higher and drop significantly at the second and third attempt. So there used to be an instruction to take three readings, and keep as the result the average between the two readings that are closest to each other.

For example, I tend to have naturally low blood pressure. My initial reading might be 126/70, but the second will typically be 115/68, the third 113/68. I test the machines on myself as part of my job, so I can tell you that it will stay around the 114/68 mark for the fifth, sixth or seventh readings!

I can really recommend taking daily readings at home if you are on heart medication, because it gives a good doctor a much more sensible picture of your ongoing health than a frantic spot check in the surgery. My Dad does this because he was left on the meds too long and cannot come off them now, and his doctor really appreciates it.
Re: Disappointing docs visit.
06 Jun 2013, 12:38
Thanks Esmecat, I have my proper revue with the doc tomorrow so we shall see. I managed to get an apt with the doc who has looked after me for many years and who has supported me through my FMS diagnosis. She is well aware that many of my checks in the past have tended to fluctuate (bloods as well not just BP) so I feel fairly confident that I will be able to negotiate for further random checks before she insists on messing with my medication.

Since I've had FMS I dread medication changes as I respond very badly to all things chemical now! The last time one of the GPs tried to change me to what he called 'something more suitable' but which I think should read 'something cheaper'(!!!) I was in bed for nearly a week until the room stopped spinning! A couple of years ago I had a real scare when I got a call from one of the docs to say my kidney function was impaired and I should see someone immediately if not sooner! As luck would have it the person I saw was my usual doc. She was totally unphased and said that if he'd looked back at other readings he would have seen that the test in question had spiked before and goes straight back down. That it was part of the way the FMS affects me personally. She did a double check and it was fine! I had been visualising myself on dialysis!

Thanks for taking time out to post. I appreciate it. :smile: The truth will out tomorrow!! :lol:
Re: Disappointing docs visit.
06 Jun 2013, 12:49
I have the white coat readings as well. I would usually get reading of 130's or 140's over 80-90 at the office always normal at home.
Re: Disappointing docs visit.
07 Jun 2013, 09:09
Well, just had the full revue and come out with a spring in my step! Her first words were, "You look brilliant!" She did a best of 3 BP check using a normal sphyg so it was far less painful and it was back to normal (despite having a barny with hubby because he was late picking me up!)All bloods were fine. She said to keep on doing whatever it is I'm doing as I'm fitter than I've been for years!

Can't improve on that! (Well, a proper cure for FMS would be nice but I'm not greedy and it ain't likely to kill me!) :lol:

Thanks for all the lovely supportive posts. They were appreciated. :smile:
Re: Disappointing docs visit.
07 Jun 2013, 09:19
:frown: :hugleft: :heart: :clover: :hugright: Aw miffy hope you are feeling better about all this.
Re: Disappointing docs visit.
07 Jun 2013, 09:28
Feeling great now, thanks! Its given me the impetus to keep on with it. Her comments have put a spring in my step. :smile:

With being pretty well stuck in the house I don't often see people other than regular visitors so it was good to have someone notice the changes and the weight loss. :smile:
Re: Disappointing docs visit.
07 Jun 2013, 09:44
That's great news miff
another :star:
It's such a good feeling when people say positive things and the fact that your health readings are good is such a bonus
Re: Disappointing docs visit.
07 Jun 2013, 09:47
Excellent news! Plus, if you carry on, things will get even better! So glad for you!
Re: Disappointing docs visit.
07 Jun 2013, 11:33
Great news and what a relief to get these good results as a counter weight to the initial BP!
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