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Needing a gee up please!
30 Jun 2013, 03:05
Ok, today is my 17th Fast Day. I started at the beginning of May at 72.5kg. At the end of the first fortnight I weighed in at 71kg. Then I weighed again a fortnight later and had gone back up to 72kg. I then decided Do Not Weigh! lol, as I was feeling slimmer in my clothes and worried it was affecting my motivation.
So this morning, I have the bright (hungover) idea to weigh again. 73.8kg!! Wtf! I'd been feeling quite chuffed with my progress too. Last night we had a bday party, I had lots of wine and lots of carbs. (4 mini pies) Yesterday I also had a blowout of a hot dog, hot chips and lollies at the football.
What I'm wondering is- am I daft to think I don't need to count calories on my non Fast days? Am I kidding myself that I'm getting smaller? Can your weight really go UP after 2 months and it not mean you're getting bigger?
Sorry for the long post, I'd love some help!

Thank you!
Re: Needing a gee up please!
30 Jun 2013, 09:14
I just weighed myself and have put on over 2lbs since yesterday morning. I had a fahita wrap, chips and rice for dinner so I am figuring my body doesn't like carbs and is taking its time processing them. Perhaps it is the same for you? When others have found 5:2 isn't working for them the advice has been to track non fast days to check calorie intake. Sometimes upping exercise can also cause weight gain. Have your measurements gotten smaller. The tape measure may be a better indication if the scales aren't being friendly at the moment.

I'm sure someone else will be along soon with a bit more knowledgeable answers. Good luck. Don't give up yet. 5:2 May just need a bit of tweaking :)
Re: Needing a gee up please!
30 Jun 2013, 09:33
I once gained 2kg overnight after a pasta meal. So it may mean that what ever you are eating is causing your body to retain water. I have learnt that bread makes my digestion go very slow so I avoid it like a plague. I eat anything I want on non fast days but not to the point where it could be seen as a huge portion or amount. I have had ice cream, cakes and what not on non fast day but it was all small portions. I have to be honest with myself. I am only 1.62tall thus meaning I cant eat like my oh who is 1.96 tall.

For me this woe is about listening to my body and understanding what it really needs and want.
Re: Needing a gee up please!
30 Jun 2013, 09:56
I'm same so now I only weigh-in once week but NEVER after a ''blowout''
Bit of a cheat I know but keeps me motivated. If your clothes are looser then you must have lost fat surely, and that to me would be more important. Good luck + try not to give up on this woe :clover: Sue
Re: Needing a gee up please!
30 Jun 2013, 10:06
I went out for a Chinese meal last night and this morning I'm 1kg heavier than yesterday. But I must have eaten 1kg's worth of food that's still in there IYKWIM!
Re: Needing a gee up please!
01 Jul 2013, 00:39
Thank you girls! I had a good pep talk from my boyfriend too, he said he can definitely see the difference, particularly in my face. Perhaps my weight is redistributing?! I'd like to get to 63kg eventually, and while my rational mind knows that slow and steady is best, my emotional mind just craves reassurance!
I guess I'm worried I might be being a Greedy Guts on normal days..I've worked out my weekly calories to aim for (average of 1600 x 5 days a week) from an excellent post on a FB group. I also found the thread on here along the lines of people on the 'scenic route', lol! I will count calories on my normal days for the next 3 weeks and get a fix on how I'm going. After a couple of decades of disordered eating I do get flummoxed by food still

Thanks again, love the support here! <3
Re: Needing a gee up please!
01 Jul 2013, 01:05
Flickity wrote: Ok, today is my 17th Fast Day. I started at the beginning of May at 72.5kg. At the end of the first fortnight I weighed in at 71kg. Then I weighed again a fortnight later and had gone back up to 72kg. I then decided Do Not Weigh! lol, as I was feeling slimmer in my clothes and worried it was affecting my motivation.
So this morning, I have the bright (hungover) idea to weigh again. 73.8kg!! Wtf! I'd been feeling quite chuffed with my progress too. Last night we had a bday party, I had lots of wine and lots of carbs. (4 mini pies) Yesterday I also had a blowout of a hot dog, hot chips and lollies at the football.
What I'm wondering is- am I daft to think I don't need to count calories on my non Fast days? Am I kidding myself that I'm getting smaller? Can your weight really go UP after 2 months and it not mean you're getting bigger?
Sorry for the long post, I'd love some help!

Thank you!

IMO, not daft but I wouldn't make a habit of it.

Then again I had a bag of crisps last night as my bananas had long gone and I'd forgotten to take a bag of nuts with me.

For me, tbh, I'm letting fast days spill over a bit into feast days, keeping up the veggie intake but just not portion rationing to such a degree.

I ve got a bit of epidemic here though. Your 12 stone (depending on your height of course) doesn't sound too bad.
Re: Needing a gee up please!
01 Jul 2013, 06:34
I find whenever I have takaway or eat out my weight is up by 1/2 to a kilo.
I'm sure it's mainly the extra salt as a day or so later the weight has stabilised.
Re: Needing a gee up please!
01 Jul 2013, 07:07
If you had a big weekend much of that can just be water weight from a salty meal out and more food than you are usually eating on fast days or week days. Since I weigh every day, I see a lot of scale bouncing. But, I only track my weight after a fast day and before the weekend as was recommended in a ADF book I read years ago.
Re: Needing a gee up please!
02 Jul 2013, 02:38
I was just writing to a girlfriend of mine who's also doing 5:2. I thought I'd tally up all the calories I may have had on Saturday - an almighty, whopping, horrendous, 4,000!!
Can you believe it? Most feed days I'd be lucky to get to 2,000. Just goes to show what happens when you eat takeaway at a football match (and make extra junky choices), and then go out for tea at a friend's house. What an eye opener.

Thank you for your replies. I've made two awesome decisions since Sunday
1. Count calories for the next 3 weeks
2. Make sure to do my 5k+ runs on Fast Days
3. Run/do weights/do a DVD most other days too
4. Ensure i drink at least 1lt of water every day
Okay, make that 4, lol!

Oh and as for the content of Saturday's blowout, check this out;

*Double* the recommended sodium. And perhaps 13 units of alcohol over the day.

One word: YUCK
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