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Why am I putting on weight?!
21 Jul 2014, 16:52
Feeling a bit glum as did some gardening in my bikini today and was horrified at my reflection in the patio door! :shock:

After a rather indulgent June holiday I jumped back on the Fasting Waggon and was most pleased to see 2lbs drop after a week. Since then though I am heavier than ever and even worse - my clothes are getting tighter and my tummy is bulging over my trousers. What on earth am I doing wrong? :confused:

I have sat down and thought honestly about what could have passed my lips in the last couple of weeks and I am still perplexed - surely my generous height of 165cm needs the following for proper nourishment??

1.A five pack of Freddos
2.A packet of digestives
3. Luxury dark chocolate and raspberry tart
4.A whole block of cheddar
5.Six mini magnums
5.Two of those delightful squidgy cookies you buy from the counter at the supermarket
6.Many many types of crisps....
7.Two white choolate and raspberry cupcakes
8. Three two-foot long jelly snakes
9. At least a whole bottle of Pimms
10.Probably two bottles of Fizz
11.Five bottles of red wine
12. A cooked breakfast
13.Two pain au chocolate

I am of course being completely facetious and to think I ate proper meals on top of this!!! :oops: I am almost too embarrased to publish this list as it has exposed my inner Mrs Greedy but I think the reality check is required. My sweet tooth seems to have grown legs and become a full set of nashers!!! :shock:

Anyway that's enough confessions from me, think I will have to go cold turkey on the sugar, any tips for this people?? :?:

Even the dog is shaking his head at me in disgust.....

Love from a rather wobbly spanner :heart: xx

P.s @Lizbean DO NOT READ THIS!! Oh it's too late :wink:
@spanner, you had me cracking up! I love the "Mrs. Greedy" description. It happens to all of us every once in a while, you're back on track now - thanks for the laugh and the also serious reminder that we do have to be mindful of the consequences of a few magnums, bottles of pimms, chocolate and..... ;)
Sounds great round your house!

Google 'Fat Chance' by Robert Lustig and either read the book or watch the youtube lecture to put you right off sugar.
Thanks guys! I WILL look at the clips- need all the help I can get!! Successful liquid fast complete so back on track!! :-)
That list looks a bit familiar. Sweets will always be my downfall. I don't even know why I'm eating them most of the time. It's not because I'm hungry. Yet, cutting them out completely, even for a short time, feels extreme. But perhaps necessary.

p.s. isn't it frustrating that, even at a healthy BMI, you can still be dissatisfied with how you look? (I mean that you in a general way…)
That looks like my idea of heaven spanner!!! The good old sweet tooth is a downfall for many of us, me included and I am desperately trying to cut down too. I had a full on sweet fest at the weekend and am now trying to keep it to once a week, which is difficult as I like to indulge when I am home on break from work.
I wonder if one day people will be suing sugar companies like tobacco companies?!
I'm in a sugar spiral too. Can't believe last year I was completely sugar free for almost 6 months. Hard to get back on the wagon when you fall off! Good luck Spanner :like:
Hope that by getting that list out there has helped.
Actually when we look back we all have some time when we've done just the same. This new WOE is a marathon and not a race - pinched that from @Hungerfitnessso pull your shoulders back and get back to it.
Just thinking back to where I was one year ago, my life will never be the same as that again. So armed with all the knowledge ive gained from fastday, I'm going to keep checking up on you to see how you're going. :oops:
This new WOE is a marathon and not a race - That is so right! Let's not get obsessed with weight and a few timtams. Let's do our 2 or 3 weekly fasts and enjoy our food as much as possible. Life is for living and enjoying its offerings. That's not to say, Lets eat shit. But everything in moderation.
Spanner, one, possibly the biggest reason why I left SW and vowed no more diet clubs was because I reached a day when I sat in a meeting listening to blatant lies for the umpteenth time about what people had or hadn't eaten. I simply couldn't listen any more. I've always been brutally honest with myself and I really admire you for being the same and setting it all out there. Sometimes that is all you need to do to give yourself a reality check that will get you back on track. I'm certain that you will be much more in control following this.

Well done.
Hi @Spannerthanks for the chuckle. I don't think there is one person on here who could not identify with your great post. 95% of the time sugar is not a problem for me, I can look a Jaffa cake fairly and squarely in the eye and send it on its way, then it hits and 1 Jaffa cake is just not enough, I have even been known to force myself to eat the last of the whole packet even though I can feel slightly nauseous by number 10 or 11 ( there are 12 in a packet for those not in the know! )Now, What on earth is that all about? Don't beat yourself up but DO take sugar craving seriously, they are the work of the devil and you will feel better if you can tame them but, hey, you know that already. I find low carb eating really helps as it does not seem to waken the white monster and make it roar til it has been fed. Good luck with this one as I think it is one of the hardest things to do.

Ballerina x :heart:
Wow thanks for all the support guys!
@Ballerina that's some sage advise as usual!

@Carieoates and @Sallyo - never thought I would willingly do a marathon but here we all are!!
@MaryAnn and@Debs - I am relieved to here someone else is fixated on the sweet stuff and @rawkaren sorry to hear your sugar free quest when awry - I remember your posts last year on this. Good luck with your battle :clover:

Finally @Winsome - I DO feel much better. I also prefer being honest with myself and have thrown my blinkers in the bin!!

Have a good day all - I am off to research life without sugar! xx
Too late buddy @spanner - I took a sneaky peak. I hope your spirits are raised by having a good old honest sugary shout out! My top tip is tomorrow is another day - you know you can do this, so get back on that horse, I'm waiting :wink: we are nearly there. Good question spanner - I'm not sure if there is a resource page for beating the hell out of sugar on the forum. I'm off to have a look :geek: - perhaps not as it's 2.45am :shock: :shock: I'm having serious problems sleeping this week - I need a holiday :bugeyes:
Winsome wrote: Spanner, one, possibly the biggest reason why I left SW and vowed no more diet clubs was because I reached a day when I sat in a meeting listening to blatant lies for the umpteenth time about what people had or hadn't eaten. I simply couldn't listen any more. I've always been brutally honest with myself and I really admire you for being the same and setting it all out there. Sometimes that is all you need to do to give yourself a reality check that will get you back on track. I'm certain that you will be much more in control following this.

Well done.

That reminds me of this post:

I go back to it and read it when I plateau or am not getting the losses I want.
@spanner my next tip is to pop to the forum EVERYDAY, it's a reality check for me - I just have to do it to reinforce this WOL and learning. If I am struggling the forum uplifts me and spurs me on - as do you buddy :heart:
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