The FastDay Forum

Delighted or Disappointed?

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Inspiring! What's your secret?
Thankyou everybody.

I can't say that it has been hard to achieve the losses so far, but they have slowed a great deal, probably because I've relaxed a little, but I suppose that's ok. I did straightforward 5:2 at first, then also reduced the carbs. I'm now generally using a short eating window and eating as high a proportion of raw, low carbohydrate food as possible. However, I allow myself breaks from time to time. This week has been one long break with wedding celebrations and eating out. That's ok. I can climb back on board again, and, in the context of the rest of my life, one indulgent week is insignificant.

I'm awaiting abdominal surgery which should result in a further loss of weight and inches. I'll take stock then, and consider whether I want to lose any more. Being too skinny does not suit me, so I don't want to take it to extremes. Size 12 will be fine, I think.
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