The FastDay Forum

Delighted or Disappointed?

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I just thought that I'd report that I bought myself a size 12 cardigan today. That's really something, considering that last year at this time I was bursting out of size 18 clothing. I wouldn't have believed it if anyone had told me that would happen.

Delighted? You bet I am!
Woohoo!! :like: :like: :like:
Well done v@Braken size 12s wow that's all dreaming to me

Theres a few delighted members today oh yes Congratulations.
:clover: :clover: :clover: :clover:
A good day on here for celebrating success ! Well done you gals X
Bracken you must be walking on air..i reckon a lot more size 12 s will be making their way into yr wardrobe x!
Very well done Bracken ( and Sue too) x
image.jpg (32.33 KiB) Viewed 875 times
Well done that's marvellous :) x
Congratulations! That's great
WOW! That is a serious result. Congratulations

Ballerina x :heart:
Congratulations! How great are you feeling today - and so you should be!
Wow Bracken, look at your spectacular weight loss and your beautiful healthy BMI. You are a star!!! Well done!
Xxx julianna
What a great achievement - congratulations! :) you must be feeling fantastic.
Your 12s are like U.S. 8s, too. Exciting!
Wow! over 25kgs gone to get to 25BMI! What an achievement! Congratu
ations and so very well done :victory:
Doing the weight loss jig for you now........
Well done. 5.2 is brilliant. :clover:
Size 12, what an exciting result of all your efforts. Congratulations. :dance: :party:
Wow Bracken, an inspirational achievement, well done you :like: :like: :like: delightful :heart: :heart:
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