The FastDay Forum

Delighted or Disappointed?

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2.5lbs loss this week; a drastic improvement from losing nothing at all for 2 weeks, and I've been doing paleo at the same time, which I have found surprisingly easy going. My husband says my face is noticeably less puffy, and I can definitely tell some of the loss if from around my stomach, which is my problem area.

Definitely dealing with carb flu though - I've been knackered.

It's also been 2 weeks since I put sugar in my coffee in the morning, and I am hoping that will be me weaned off it now.

Well done, and well done on getting over the carb flu, that is my biggest issue!! What have you been feeding yourself you cave girl you?!
We have had some lovely lovely food this week: ... ragus-9622 <my favourite meal this week!

Also, spag bol, but I had the bolognese without the pasta, and had roasted cauliflower and salad instead. Yesterday we had minute steak and sweet potato fries and spinach. I've been having bacon, mushrooms and tomatoes for breakfast. I've done a couple of green juices. And these, which were amazing. But I did it without the tapioca starch and just fried them off as they were. Who knew pickle juice made such a GREAT marinade? ... ick-fil-a/

I'm definitely going to continue.

I did miss garlic bread when the rest of the family had spag bol - I was literally drooling at that. But the pasta I didn't miss at all.
That's great news! So pleased for you not only for the weight loss but for finding the way of eating so easy.

A word of warning about sweet potato is very high in carbs being little different from normal potatoes, pasta or bread in terms of glycaemic index and glycaemic load. Sorry!
Thanks for the advice carorees, I shan't go overboard on the sweet potato - my daughter doesn't like it in any case ;)
Well done @imcountingufoz! :like: I'm dabbling in paleo too but not strictly. I'm into the second week of no wheat/gluten to see if my sore heel ( plantar fasciitis) improves. I've really been trying to listen to what my body tells me it needs. Yesterday I craved fresh eggs so when and asked for some from my friend/neigbour who has chooks came home and fried 2 of them up in good butter and it was sublime. Today I craved salad so I made a huge chicken avocado salad while hubs had hamburger and chips. I listen to these following podcasts in the car you may find interesting
- latest in paleo
- primal blueprint ( with mark sisson)
- fat burning man
Keep us posted in how you're going.
p.s my heel so far is heaps better.
Well done. I love the paleo friendly route too and it works for me. They prefer glucose carb re-feeds to fructose carb re-feeds which is why sweet potatoes are favoured so highly. You should find your own way though. Keep it up!
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