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Yesterday, what a rubbish day!
01 Nov 2013, 07:54
Ugh, last week I reported how amazed I was that I was only 200 grams away from goal. Yesterday morning I hopped on the scales and oh my gosh! How did I go from 57.2 to 59? There I was at 7 a.m., stark naked, moving the scales up and down the hallway trying to get back the 57.2! I finally stopped when I realised what loser does this? My dogs were watching me with much fascination and I could hear my husbands snores coming from the bedroom. So I put my pajamas back on and thought I would just get on with my day. I tried not to let this little blip bother me through my work day but oh it was really hard. I felt like I was being challenged on all levels yesterday and really not dealing with it well. I finally chilled out by the evening and thought, tomorrow is another day, and I have been here doing 5:2 for 10 months now and it works, really really works. So I was able to sit this morning and put in the new higher weight and write this and realise that all is going to be alright! Oh the highs and lows!
LOL at the idea of you in the hallway with the dogs :lol: :lol:

There's a whole lot of other tactics to try:

- Breathing out before stepping on
- Stepping on VERY lightly (that's what I find myself doing :wink:)
- Not putting one foot fully down
- Leaning sideways
- Squinting at the numbers
- Getting OH (who's heavier) to stand on them as a shock tactic

Glad you're able to smile about it :) :)
Thanks for the early morning giggle you two. My naked scales agility test occurs in my shower room, its weigh in today for me also. It's all part of our weight loss journey, the ups and the downs are unfortunately inevitable.
Oh Plateaumama how frustrating is that?! I think you just picked the wrong day to weigh...hey? Try again tomorrow and you could be in for a big surprise (actually that should be small surprise shouldn't it?! :confused: )
Hey Annie, thanks for the giggles as well! I think I will try squinting next Thursday! Glad to hear that you carieoates have a similar agility test to mine. Maybe I will try the shower room for a change as its smaller than the hallway so less time moving around the scale!
hey nursebean, I will try squinting and standing on one leg on a Saturday! thanks, pmx
Just make sure it's a warm room as well!
I weighed this morning too. Had to keep the nightie on though as so cold. I have uneven flagstones in the kitchen where I weigh and no level floors in my old farmhouse. I can get a difference of 5lbs from one flagstone to the next. Now I always use the same flagstone and accept whatever it says. What I weigh is not important!
Frustrating! But well done for chilling out, you know you are going to get there, just not this week!
I'm similar to you in that I'm very close to my target, but put on a little bit this week. However, I was expecting it as had a fantastic weekend away with friends...
Onwards and downwards! :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail:
Oh I had the SAME thing when I was so close to my target. My scales give me stones, pounds and EIGHTHS of pounds. I desperately wanted to be nine stone, 13lbs and for a whole two weeks before my body finally admitted defeat, I was lingering at ten stone, zero and some measurements of eighths. Indeed the day before I finally hit target, I was ten stone EXACTLY. No pounds, no eighths. I mean you can't GET any closer than that. The next day I was....


Yep..... I was at my target.... but ONLY just!!! Grrrr!

The irony was that having spent two whole weeks desperately trying to get rid of that last pound, I then proceeded to drop a further THREE pounds over the next ten days, without even TRYING!!! Trouble is, all my new jeans got too loose so I'm now back up to 9:13 and maintaining well for 4 weeks....

Don't lose hope... you WILL get there.... and thank you for a thoroughly entertaining story.....
Amused that others also do the moving the scales, trying to stand on them lightly, leaning back (what's that about then?)............I thought it was just me :-)
OK, sliding a little off topic here, and onto scales....
My scales, which are decent and about a year old, have a strange habit. After weighing, if I step off, and then back on again, they always give a weight three pounds lower (except for two weeks, when they didn't?!). I have no idea which one is the correct weight, but will let you guess which one gets recorded!
Mine go up by about a quarter of a pound if I get off and then on again. So I don't do that!!!
Oh I'd just LOVE to see that on my scales. One day...

Oops didn't quite work...(I refer, of course, to seeing 9:13 on the scales. Blimey, can't remember the last time that happened!)...never mind! :oops:
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