Re: HIIT - How to get started?
19 May 2013, 12:28
KataMac wrote: I've got a tabata app (called Tabata Timer, free version) on my phone, so just hit start on that. It then does 8 lots of 20 sec on, 10 sec rest. I do it 1-2 a week (aiming for 2-3 a week, but things keep getting in the way, always need at least 1 rest day between). I always do squats, and either do all 8 squats, or alternate with either box jumps, jumping jacks or lunges. I count my first lot of reps, and try to get to that each time (because by the time you hit set 5 or 6, it HURTS). Amazing how much you can sweat in 4 minutes!

A variation on this that's a bit easier on the knees and adds in the arms and shoulders is to hold onto something about nose height. I use a pull up bar in a doorway. It must be similar to using a rowing machine except core muscles not putting quite the same effort in.

I couldn't manage all 8 reps to start with but am now above 8. The App is great but it's also easy with a second hand, as every minute is two reps, so no need to keep count. I was worried about the Andrew Marr syndrome but it doesn't feel like I'm overdoing it. You can also convert it (and normal squats) into height climbed to compare with outdoor efforts . I lift myself through 12m every rep and I'm working on reaching the top of a mountain I used to 'run' up.