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Getting Sweaty! Exercise & Fitness

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I have a prolapsed disk in my neck, it squished inward and is now crushing my spinal cord. Surgery is urgently needed, my specialist was happy to do it the anesthetist said a big NO!.My BMI was too high, my specialist told me it was now a balancing act, if my condition got drastically worse (paralysis, loss of bowel or bladder control) then he would operate and override the anesthetist. But in the mean time could I pretty please lose some weight as fast as possible.

I am/ have lost enough weight so that I am now on the list for surgery, I have been banned from exercising by the doctor as I could make things much worse just by rolling over in bed, exercise of the bouncy sweaty type is totally out. I really would like to do some spot strength exercises, most specifically on my tummy area. Crunches are out because of the neck strain (any exercise that pulls on the neck or the neck muscles will put me in bed curled up sobbing in pain) and so are pressups of any kind. Is there any kind of exercise that would tone up the tummy without aggravating my problem. maybe a yoga pose or something, anything?
Best of all speak to a physio, but I'd go for leg raises - done slowly they are evil and very very effective. Lie comfortably on your back, bend your legs very slightly and raise them up very slowly to about 45 degrees counting to five raising, hold for a count of five, lower for a count of five BUT (and this is the important bit) do not lower your legs back onto the floor! Make your next start point for raise / lower about an inch or two above the floor. You'll feel this in your thighs, abs and, maybe, lower back - do not strain your upper torso, try and relax that bit. If you've not done these before you might find it difficult to do more than 5 or 6 in a go; try to to build it up to 10, 12, 14 reps (repetitions), then go to two 'sets' of 8 reps and so on; you can put your legs down between sets, and take a wee, 30 count, break. I used to max out at three sets of 15 reps... Ouch :bugeyes:
In your condition I wouldn't do anything without direct supervision from a good physio. Leg raises would be too challenging. It's quite advanced exercise when in good health.

Breathing & practicing navel to spine pulling in of the tummy would be more than enough.
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