The FastDay Forum

Getting Sweaty! Exercise & Fitness

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Last week's step winners
1 Einat B.
89,726 steps
I have my fitbit one for less than two weeks and I love it cause it makes me even more active.
I got this email that I ranked number 1 in steps for last week but I don't know how many are registered...I think the website is not working well on my iPad.
Hi there i've had my fitbit for just over 4 week's now and usually manage around 100,000 steps per week so i'm not sure how its worked your ranking out? Maybe it's ranked you in with other newbies?
whether its working or not - well done on hitting nearly 90,000 steps - thats epic
Wow that's brill.

I've had my Fitbit since January and the most I've managed is around 68,000. Love it though as I work in an office it encourages me to move more.
Thank you all, this week I'm on vacation so doing even more :cool:
You receive a weekly email indicating your ranking "within" your group. I belong to 3 different groups (my company, my team, and my family) and it culled the next 3 highest steppers behind me. I absolutely love my fitbit and it has certainly kept me motivated!

Sometimes at work when I want to talk to a team member, we actually go for a walk in the parking our business and get in more steps.
Ha ha... That solves the mystory...since I don't belong to any group yet I rank no. 1 in a group tha includes only me :oops:
But I still love my fitbit. Today I took over 24000 steps :victory:
24,000 is a massive amount of steps. I usually manage between 10 and 15,000 with 15,000 being my goal.

We could start up a 5:2 forum fitbit group. What do you think? My username on fitbit is the same as on here. What else do you need to friend someone on there?
What is fitbit? Sounds here I come.
Einatbl wrote: Ha ha... That solves the mystory...since I don't belong to any group yet I rank no. 1 in a group tha includes only me :oops:
But I still love my fitbit. Today I took over 24000 steps :victory:

Congrats on the high step day. I see you have discovered what I was about to post; that you are number one in your group of friends. Lol, mine says the same each week. Go me...always number one. lol :wink:
Umleila, my name in fitbit is Einat B. I think it will be good to open a group of fitbit of 5:2 fasters. Did you do it already? I'm on vacation so managed a lot of activity these last two weeks, I also enjoyed good food so I don't know what happened to my weight :confused: we'll see in a couple of days...
Einatbl I haven't made a group yet, as I wanted to see the response here first. I've looked online and found this link. ... itbit-com-

I think I like the option of public by invitation only. What do you think? I don't mind starting it and maybe we can make a new thread on here where people can request to join.

It's very late here and I'm going to bed now :) I will check back later today to see what you and others think.

Night night x
Today is the first day in probably 2 months I didn't make my 10,000 steps. Disappointed but hopefully make it up tomorrow. We could just continue with a thread on this forum and post our weekly steps? Might encourage others to join in. But if you want to do it on fitbit I'm in there as well.
Hi Umleila. The public by invitation option sounds good to me.
Not sure how you invite people and how people receive the invitation? By email?
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