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Getting Sweaty! Exercise & Fitness

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I hope these links are OK. Some info -

Brief description:

A thread on another forum showing before and after pictures!: ... hotos.html

Books/DVDs are available on Amazon but can quite often be found cheaply in second-hand shops :wink:

I am a big fan of Callanetics body toning exercises. I have done them on and off over the years since the craze started in the late 80s. I used to exercise to the videos with my mum when I was a teenager. I've only been consistent in the past year or so since I've tried solidly to lose weight and get healthier.

They have really helped me to build some muscle tone all over my body. I am still obese at present so I don't have any before and after pictures - and the transformation probably wouldn't look as drastic in my case anyway. But having done them for (usually) at least once a week for the past year, I know I have built some solid muscle tone and greatly improved my flexibility as a result. I find they still work best done in conjunction with other forms of exercise - for example the arm exercises aren't sufficient in themselves to totally tone the arm muscles (although they do provide some results), and the upper body isn't really covered - but they are pretty effective and really quite safe for people with medical conditions such as back problems, sciatica etc so long as you don't force your body.

Due to my own health problems which cause giddiness, fatigue and muscle weakness, I don't always manage the full one-hour workout - sometimes I break it up into two workouts or do an abbreviated version of about 20 mins targeting the key areas of stomach, bottom and legs. I have the original book now which contains the Callanetics 1 hr workout (I think this is also called 10 in 10?) and SuperCallanetics, which I do on occasion.

There are some exercises I can never manage such as the seated hip thigh & bottom ones (standing are OK though) - and some of the Super Callanetics ones, but I'm still seeing a difference.

And according to the 'low carb forum' - a Callanetics teacher on there says you can burn up to 240 cals doing an hour's workout which is amazing really, if it's true (don't know where that info was sourced from though).

Anyone else want to post about their experiences? Which version do you use - the original, or some of the newer 'evolved' versions? :lol:
I love callanetics too - it gave me a great body way back in the day! I have the original dvd with her old mum in her class - impressive!. At one point I wanted to get the Glasgow franchise but I was overseas a lot then and two sisters opened up a callanetics studio in Glasgow. It is deceptive, because it isn't cardio I think. The tightening and toning works and I love the way it improves flexibility. One of my favourites is the behind and hips exercise, took me ages to learn to do it properly though. I really must start doing the regular routine again because I know it works and I don't want to be saggy. My inner thighs are "gooshy" and my stomach needs tightening. Will try to do it regularly, starting Monday! :smile:
I suspect I still have the original Callanetics book around somewhere. I toyed with it while at university but didn't stick to it rigorously enough. I suspect that doing it now - when I have a far higher level of fitness - might be interesting.

What I do recall from the original book is a picture of a model standing with coins between 4 points on her legs - apparently where a well-toned leg should meet. I remember being slightly awed by having a gap at the thighs... although happily due to several years of Body Pump and cycling, I do now have one.

240 calories doesn't surprise me entirely although it's not that high for an hour of exercise - it's the equivalent of walking about 2.5 miles in that hour.

Hmm... I might go and see if I can find that book!
Good luck both of you! Hope you find that book (and be prepared to really feel it for a day afterwards!)

Yes, we can spur each other on if we're doing it. I mean, we're already losing inches with this way of eating, but they may as well be toned inches LOL :like:

I've had quite a good week energy-wise this week. I haven't done much cardio (too hot!!) but I've done more Callanetics than usual - a 20-min Callanetics workout on Wednesday and a full hour Callanetics workout yesterday. I went to bed and woke up in the middle of the night unable to get back sleep and did a load of stretching exercises, so today I feel very limber. I'm resting from exercise today but usually do Callanetics on a Sunday, so will do that tomorrow as normal. So I've done about 2 1/2 hours this week, plus a bit of yoga.
Also dabbled with Callanetics on and off. Regularly do the lower back stretches as I love the feel of them and if I'm on my feet for a long time on concrete floors it is bliss!
Did them regularly about 2 years ago, alternating with aerobic/Tae-Bo/Davina and found them lovely. Didn't see the result - too pudgy but could feel the muscle tone. Can see a bit of it now that the beef is shifting.
Am off on proper holiday at the end of the week and the timing is just right to reacquaint myself with them- will be diving so rigorous exercise is out. This could be quite fun!
I did about 3/4 of the basic "10 in 10" workout yesterday, so tonight I might do a little bit more to make it up to the full workout and make sure I get the stretches in. Too tired for that yesterday. So I didn't do much last week, never mind. I suppose any Callanetics I do now is kind of maintenance anyway as I've been doing it for quite a long time, fairly regularly :) Anyone else still doing it?
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