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Getting Sweaty! Exercise & Fitness

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Out at 7:30 for my gentle constitutional across the Cleveland Cliffs, breathing in the North Sea air.
Up to the gym at 9am for my fix of The Beatles, aiding my hard anaerobic workout.
Home for my coffee and coconut oil.
So where do the snowballs come into it?
Well, for the oldies who were with the Beatles first time round, we also enjoyed snowballs as a gentle intro to alcohol.
And, since coming off all my meds, loosing weight, gaining health and fitness, I was able to go back to the future last night, with a couple of long refreshing snowballs in the warm, balmy evening. And yes, I can do it now because I have no reason to avoid alcohol, as I did whilst on all those meds. I can have a little indulgence with the egg-nog and sugar free mixer. Mind you, I don't think it was one of my better ideas to serve pickled muscles ( another old pub favourite), with the Warninks.
You know, life is so good! I feel on an upward spiral.
Keep at it everyone, the benefits are outstanding.
Me, a granny of a 21 year old?
I feel younger than I did when the 1st grandchild came along in my mid forties.
All down to good nutritional ideas picked up here. Hope I haven't lowered the standards by introducing alcohol to the discussion.
My muscles are far from being pickled, just getting stronger.
Ha! Ha! Thanks for clearing that one up - I was having a rather disturbing vision of you for a moment with a rather ladylike and decorous Snowball in one hand and pickled muscles in the other..phew! I think my first drink was a port and lemonade, yummy then but probably would find not to my taste now. I remember not caring what it tasted like, just praying that I wouldn't be asked how old I was - oh for the same problem now!!
Just got back from the local car boot, always fun, and took my beaker of coffee and coconut oil and just had a late brunch of sweet peppers, spring onions, fresh herbs and spring onions cooked into a frittata in coconut oil, scrumptious. :smile: I was interested in an earlier post you made about the cheaper cooonut oil, but didn't have easy access to the internet at the time - can you please refresh my memory about it, and how are you finding it?
What is a snowball? My first drink on my 15th birthday was a glass of sherry. Thought it was vile. Next was a pimms and lemonade. Much better.
Dhana, I have just finished my 2nd jar of cheepo KTC, which I bought before seeing the dear stuff. I then intended to use the less flavourful for cooking with, but as I am not cooking much I decided to get it used up, and the way I did it was to get unsweetened desiccated coconut, whizz it in my Vitamix for a few minutes, whereby it turned into liquid, added the cheepo, mixed well and reset. Then eat it by the spoonful, which of course, has loads of added fibre!
I also re-melted some when we had the discussion regarding chocolate, (somewhere else on the forum) and mixed it with quality cocoa powder and a few drops of vanilla, poured into very small petit fours papers( left over from my sweetie making days), sprinkled with sesame seeds, and put in fridge to set. They were like very strong, 100% dark chocolates, but much cheaper, and certainly an acquired taste, but needs must when cutting out sugar carbs. I understand from research papers directed to me from other forum members, that the cheepo has the same attributes as the dear, except for flavour, so that is why I used it for these concoctions.
Hi I think snowball is advocaat +lemonade but never took to it myself however now enjoy advocaat straight + the Beatles again memories.
On the subject of coconut oil I'd also like to know more I keep hearing you sing its health benefits the only one I've heard of is the one Julie mentioned a few days ago from superdrug in small tubs for hair + dry skin/legs so do you use it for cooking + drinking + also in coffee :like:
I'm just catching up with health benifits that have arisen from my weight loss so more info please 140lbs :clover: :heart: Sue
Wineoclock, a snowball is a long drink, made with Warninks Advocaat, with a splash of lime juice, and topped up with fizzy lemonade. Then the piece de resistance, and very 1960s, is the maraschino cherry on a cocktail stick, balanced on the top of the glass-- such sophistication for a 16 year old -- oh we were easily pleased in those days.
They became available ready made in small bottles, which were no where as good as the home made sort, where the ratios could be varied according to the person making them.
Fantastic post 140lbs - and you definitely haven't lowered the tone by bringing alcohol into the equation! How fantastic that you can drink it without worrying now! :victory: :cool: :victory:

Can't remember what my first drink was, but your post has given my an idea for a new thread - watch this space! :evil: :evil: :drink: :drink:
Sue, a few years ago, coconut oil was very expensive at £15 jar from health food shops. Today, the nice, fragrant, edible stuff is available in all the major supermarkets, at about £7-9 jar. I had not believed the hype about it when it was so expensive, but since getting much info from forum members, I have re-introduced it to my diet, mainly to try to reduce my intake of double cream, to which I am very partial. Along with many others, I was hard wired to believe in the supposed health risks of saturated fats. I no longer believe that. And as coconut oil is mainly saturated fats, you can see why I was reluctant to use it in the past. However, there are lots of sites on the internet extolling its virtues, and explaining that the saturated fat in the coconut is unlike that of animal origin. I must emphasise that I take it along with a VERY LOW carb lifestyle.
It is a lovely appetite suppressant, but I am ingesting it for the benefits, as yet unproven, of reducing the incidence of Alzheimer's. ( just hedging my bets, really).
Look up Dr Bruce Fife for lots of stuff. I read his book years ago, but as I explained before, was a bit afraid of taking it on board.
Thank you 140lbs :like: I'd just returned from my 4-5 mile walk topping up on water ( which is a struggle for me)regarding the price well I'm now realising the benefits are more important, so now going for my shower and will look that up afterwards. :clover: :heart: Sue
Sue, I am interested in what your view is of coconut products, once you have done your reading. I do wonder at times if we get carried away on a theme, but in this instance I would like to think the evidence convincingly shows coconut to be good stuff. You will be approaching the topic with a clear mind, but if you feel you don't want to respond publicly, you can always PM me with your thoughts.
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