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Getting Sweaty! Exercise & Fitness

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xtendbarre - just tried it
19 Jul 2013, 09:27
I have done 2 classes of xtendbarre - new fitness craze from USA. A combination of ballet style exercises and a bit of pilates and old fashioned leg lifts etc. I really enjoyed it - there is no running or jumping - mostly stretching - gentle weights - some tummy crunches - lots of leg and core work. Very girlie though as there is the odd demi plie!! The idea is to build strength and tone without bulking up too much muscle (as if I would do enough exercise to have a problem with that but anyway...)

I think it is a great way to get back into fitness. Give it a go if you can find a place near you.
Re: xtendbarre - just tried it
19 Jul 2013, 10:22
Sounds a lot like callanetics to me!
Re: xtendbarre - just tried it
19 Jul 2013, 11:28
dhana wrote: Sounds a lot like callanetics to me!

Ah yes - I was trying to remember what that was called. I think you are right. No baton twirling though. :wink:
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