The FastDay Forum

Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

29 posts Page 2 of 2
I'm back to fasting this week, have been losing a bit of motivation recently and decided to allow myself a week off instead of constantly cheating myself by overeating or eating on fast days when not even hungry. Had a fab week where I stuffed my face and now ready to restart on the next part of my journey. Was worried I'd find today difficult after being out for a week, but apart from freezing my butt off I'm not suffering hunger pangs! Hoorah! According to scales I put 5lbs on during my week off, but hoping most of that will drop away quickly now I'm back on track. Electric blanket is going to be amazing when I go to bed tonight!
I'm 24 hours into my first 36 hour liquid fast for the week. actually it'll be closer to 40 hours as I'm also doing 16:8 during the week. I never would have thought I would enjoy this so much! this is my second week doing LOF and it's just so much easier for me. plus I just feel good on fasting days... lighter somehow. don't you just love how flexible this WOL is? just experiment until you find what works for you. wishing I'd found this years ago!
My second liquid fast of the week, good luck to anyone else joining me today :clover:
Thanks chi civic fasting accomplished and time to go to bed, hope you had a good fast. All the best to those just coming into the day and a fast
Looks like you're on your own today Chickvic. I'm in tomorrow as well, at least you'll be done by then.
I wasn't up for my usual two liquid fasts (caught a bug)last week but I'm back on track this week with a liquid fast yesterday and doing another tomozz.Hubby going to have two teeth extracted so he won't be eating much tomorrow (so no cooking yay)!!No doubt I will have to bathe his brow!! Bless
I'm in today! Very busy day at work today so should be not to difficult. :smile: keep my mind moving along and not thinking of food.

Haven't fasted for 10 days, due a week of jollitees. Today is very welcome. Yesterday was total carb overload, cakes all day with a stream of visitors, then egg and chips for tea :grin:

Good luck to everyone today. Lets prep ourselves for the weekend!
am going to try my 1st liquid fast today. Tea, cup a soup for lunch and another soup for dinner.
Trying to make up from going 500 cals over my TDEE on tuesday!
I'm here, I'm here too (rushes in banging door behind her) - sorry chums... got waylaid :grin: 2nd LOF of the week for me - trying really hard to be one of Juliana's 69ers in time for Christmas.... slowly, slowly and all that malarkey :bugeyes: Good luck everyone - have a good fast day :clover:
Well that was a first. I started yesterday liquid fasting, and at 11:30am decided that it was no longer a fast day, and this week is a 1 fast week. I wasn't particularly hungry, but just got a lot going on and just thought f*** it! So putting it behind me, and next week will be back, hopefully with life a bit less complicated, and back to 2 LFs a week.
@KatamacAw, don't fret - you can make up for it next week when maybe life's not quite as hectic ?!

Did my 2nd LOF of the week yesterday, thought it had gone really well, but scales aren't reflecting that this morning. Think I'm going to be disappointed when I record my weigh in on Saturday :neutral:
Today should be my second liquid fast day this week, but honestly, I'm really craving scrambled eggs, so may have to make some when I get home. In which case today will just be a normal fast day, so no worries!
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