The FastDay Forum

Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

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:clover: :clover: Good luck to those of you fasting today. May the fast be with you! :clover: :clover:
I should have been fasting today but circumstances led to me fasting yesterday, so I'm not joining you. However, I have decided to monitor my non-fast day eating more closely until I am back to my target weight, so I will use the 'Fasting Today' thread to keep me mindful of my goal!
Onwards and downwards, folks! :victory:
I'm in!
Back to fasting after a year and a half. I spent that time being pregnant and having a baby, he's now nearly 1 and as I'm not breastfeeding as much, it's time to fast again.
I've had coffee and water so far and generally not feeling any more hungry than I usually do by lunchtime. I think I'll have a small bowl of porridge for lunch and then my tea will be something as yet tbc. Pleased to back into it. I've about 3kg and 1inch off my waist to get back to where I was when I got pregnant.

Happy to be back with you all!
I am in today, with a steady start of porridge made with water only, and black coffee, no lunch and a whole 400 calories for dinner this evening. See some pork loin that my wife has taken out, so any body got any ideas for that.
I'm in today! I'm having sardines and fruit for lunch today. I can't say that I'm all that excited about it :neutral: , but I'm trying to get a better balance of macro-nutrients (higher protein and quality fat, lower carb). So, I feel good about it from that perspective :wink: . Happy fasting!!
It's tomorrow now. I did really well yesterday and managed to stay within the 500 calories. I got that lovely clean feeling when I woke up early this morning. Do other people wake up early after a fast day? It wasn't a desperate day. I think those days are often the 2nd fast of the week. This week I am going to Launceston for a medical appointment for the OH, so I may chose not to do a 2nd fast, or to do it on Thursday. Good luck to those of you still in Monday.
Well done Sallyo, you are leading from the front and I'm staggering along behind you! First fast day for ages, no breakfast or lunch, but then two fried eggs with a very few chips, followed by yoghurt and some chocolate left from Christmas. Hmm, not quite a healthful evening... Oh well, at least I'm a bit down on calories, so that IS a successful day!
Good luck to any USA fasters.
I'm in today, just before 6pm here and just off work, so will be having a bit to eat BEFORE going to the store, then main meal later tonight. Really need to start paying more attention on normal days...sigh. Hoped I could get by without restricting normal days, but I keep creeping up when I do will need to watch it. :razz:
ferretgal wrote: I'm in today, just before 6pm here and just off work, so will be having a bit to eat BEFORE going to the store, then main meal later tonight. Really need to start paying more attention on normal days...sigh. Hoped I could get by without restricting normal days, but I keep creeping up when I do will need to watch it. :razz:

That's such a good idea - sensible shopping is hard if I'm hungry. :starving:
And yes, normal days were really the key when I started this, but I don't want to go back to logging everything. Hmm, I guess I DO know what to do anyway...
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