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Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

19 posts Page 2 of 2
How are you Monday fasters getting on?
Bean xx
I'm in for the day, too. Since I'm not so strict about 500 cals, I tend to have a small lunch and small dinner on fast days. I had cottage cheese and tomatoes for lunch today. I'm worried dinner will be pretzels and hummus from the vending machine. I'm glad you mentioned Mexican pizza, @Wmr309. I haven't had that in ages! Maybe I'll try that on Wednesday.
MaryAnn wrote: I'm glad you mentioned Mexican pizza, @Wmr309. I haven't had that in ages! Maybe I'll try that on Wednesday.

We are boring, it's my standby dinner for a fasting Monday @MaryAnn. It taste best if I roast some veggies over the weekend such as zucchini and pumpkin. I buy a large slab of mozzarella, portion it and freeze them. Same with the tomato base, just a tin of diced tomatoes that I reduce on the stove top for several dinners in the freezer. This way there's not a lot of time between coming home and sitting down to dinner. Our daughter gets some ham on hers. I don't have to count the calories as I've done that early on in starting 5:2. It worked during those first six months so I'm hoping by going back to it we'll see the weight disappearing again.
You were right, @ferretgal and it's what I did, especially as the real bouillabaisse is eaten with what we call rouille which is a mayo with saffron, red pepper, lemon and lot of garlic. It would be a sin to not eat one with the other :cool:

I had the soup instead, a big batch with about everything I had left in it. Ratatouille, courgettes, spinach and onions. It's a deep green and there is enough for, at least, another day so probably will freeze it. It was a good fast, under 500 cal but it was not on purpose, just that my day was more than full so I didn't even have to think about food.
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