The FastDay Forum

Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

23 posts Page 1 of 2
Can't believe I'm first on here again - anyone fasting today? Horrible hot northerlies in Melbourne today, so I've missed my chance on my bike, but I did have a blissful dance lesson instead. Feeling hungry today, which I think is often a good sign for me - it means my insulin sensitivity is better. I'm making sure I'm drinking plenty, and did the same for the front garden earlier, it also had a big drink!

Good luck for all who are fasting today!
I'm in jools ..after ive been to sleep!
Think its only the second time ive done a satday
Happy fast n repair day to all who join us! X
The tail end of yesterday'sf fast took me to 1pm today. It is good when you find your fasting legs again so to speak. I had become too fatigued just prior to Xmas to do a complete fluid fast. But managed to liquid fast all the way so I am chuffed as also got a new low on scales. Have made up for it with a plowman lunch and coffee out with my darling.

Happy fasting @jools7 and @CandiceMarie and everyone else who is in this Sat. I will be back again Monday and am looking forward to hitting my 5:2 fasting straps again
Yes, I'm in today but I've never done a Saturday, however I really need this today. I am working so that will make it easier and like gillmary I'm going for a liquid fast. Doesn't look like there are many of us today.
I was going to fast yesterday but it ended up being a bust. So I might have another go today..... Not sure I can manage a liquid one but will try and support my liquid fasting sisters :like:
Oh yes, can I join this little group too please. I'm like @wildmissus - never done a Saturday before :bugeyes: ... but what with all the confusion between Christmas and New Year's Day and "what day is it today?" syndrome I don't think I'll struggle with it too much. Had lots of treats over the past few days (which my scales told me about this morning).... so glad to be back on a 2 day :smile: Meeting up with friends on Monday so know that might be a day of excesses (definitely NOT my usual 2 day).... then after that it's back on the wagon with serious intent. I MUST get down to that next stone size (having failed miserably in the original Christmas 69ers Club). Still classed as 'overweight' and I do so want to be 'normal'... though hubby tells me there's little chance of me ever being normal - but that's a compliment :grin:
Happy fasting everyone - have a good day :like:
Hello all. I'm in today. Would have done yesterday, but had a blood donation session so swapped - ended up very dramatic as had a rebleed (that's never happened before) and was suddenly lying down with 3 nurses fussing!
I am doing 'back to back' today & tomorrow. I feel really sluggish & bloated after eating carbs and I was very careful. I don't think flour products agree with me now! I tried fasting on Thursday but failed....oh dear, my first failure.
Happy fasting everyone.
I am joining you today, like Suchard I don't know what day of the week it is anyway so the fact that I have never done a Saturday before shouldn't matter. My Son and family are coming up from Glasgow tomorrow for 3 days and that means the other boys and family's will be joining us for a big family get together on Monday which is one of my usual repair days. Here's to the success of us Saturday girls.
I'm in today, still sloshing from the champagne last night. But I jumped on the scales before I started and I don't seem to have put on any weight over Christmas. Tomorrows post fast weigh in will show the true figures.
I'm in. I usually do a Sunday fast but I'm going away for the new year tomorrow and will be traveling most of the day so figured best not to try and fast

I'm going to try a juice fast; I just did 2 days back to back and found it easier than eating. The hunger pangs don't seem as intense and its easier to get 500 calories from 3 solid tasty juices

Good luck everyone!
rawkaren wrote: I was going to fast yesterday but it ended up being a bust. So I might have another go today..... Not sure I can manage a liquid one but will try and support my liquid fasting sisters :like:

@rawkaren - I'm with you and the others with the liquid fast. I'm doing juice, are you and the other doing zero calories? if you are the kudos and best of luck - that's super tough!!
@Doodle ..... 3 nurses - hope they gave you a lie down and a cuppa! x

Got mum -in-law with us.... she's driving me craaaaaaaaaaazy!.... as sweet as she is.... have just eaten 2 chocolate biscuits in exasperation........ definitely not a liquid only fast today then.... hope I can hold out to less than 500 calories.... think I need to go out for a walk AAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh (thanks chums, feel better now!)
I'm fasting today. Got plans later so I think It may turn in to a 16:8. I'll see how I go. Good luck fasters :)
I'm in - I've never done Sat before either but this will be the first proper fast I've managed this week (started one Xmas Eve and blew it, though not by much) but today I feel like I'm really back into it so fingers crossed.
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