The FastDay Forum

Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

32 posts Page 2 of 3
I'm in today. It has been hard to get consistent fasts in this summer since my schedule is a little crazy. I should be ok today. I'm going to do my C25K workout this morning and then I have plenty to do on my to-do list. I will be going to a cafe later and having a nice salad for my dinner.

Winsome - make sure you are drinking enough water!
Good luck all you fasting friends! It feels odd to me not to be fasting on a Thursday ..i did it yesterday instead
@Sallyo love reading yr posts and what you're up to..
@Winsome i had a bad headache yesterday,unusual for me,hope you and DD1 get well soon
Keep the faith all of you and keep warm and feeling fuller with some hot drinks!
You are doing yourselves such a good turn today and tomorrow ( when i will be fasting ) you can enjoy anything within reason :like:
Hi, I'm in today, this will be the only one I've managed this week.

Didn't feel too good first thing, but a bit better now that I've had some coffee and sparkling water.

It's funny how on the day before a fast I always think I'll never manage it, but somehow just get on with it once the day comes.

Good luck to all :clover:
Done and dusted and almost bed time. Soup was great, and we had a piece of toast, 30gm of cheese and an orange for dessert. I have sorted out my knitting problem by meticulous drawings on graph paper of each row so now I understand it all a lot better. I'm glad I hung in with it with all the frustrations - while OH pleaded ' why can't you just knit something easier?' Now I have learned a lot about yon, yrn, yfwd, and k1, sl1, passo. And I can understand how it makes the pattern and how the pattern changes row by row. Very satisfying. Off to bed now to read Antonia Fraser's book about Oliver Cromwell. Gripping.
I am in today trying to shed the 1.5k I put on whilst on holiday. Since Tuesday I have lost 600g so a lot of it must have been water weight. I am a pretty happy bunny after stuffing myself in France and finding the damage wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. This WOE is just brilliant!
I normally eat a small, high protein breakfast on my fast days (unlike most of you.) But today I just don't feel that hungry, so I'm going to try to go without! Since I'm not working today, it's not as big a decision, since I can change my mind later if I have to. I did just have a bit of a curve ball thrown into my day, which is going to keep me very busy, so I should be good!
Yes I am here too... still amazed at how I am keeping to this regime since end of april. Nothing dramatic but a steady decline. I managed well last Monday by having a soup with main meal in evening but then slept poorly so need to look at the bedtime snack ... maybe bit more sugar/carbs needed?
I'm in today, trying to lose some of my post-cruise weight! I came home on Sunday with a gain of nine and a quarter pounds (mostly fluid, I guessed) after a fortnight away. I weighed this morning and have already lost five and three-quarter pounds - so I was right about the fluid retention! I am now just under my target weight but thought that I would have another fast day just to consolidate the loss.
Good luck, everyone! Keep busy! Keep hydrated! Onwards and downwards! :smile:
I am not in today as I met some friends for lunch so doing a 16:8 instead.
Very late posting up but have been with you fasters all day!
Thanks @lizbean buddy for my reminder :-)
Feeling quite grumpy about it actually but have just realised its nearly five so must carry on!!
Hope everyone having a better day than me xx
Oh @spanner hang in there! Hope you are able to turn the grump on its head! :clover: :heart:
My life is one continuous rotating meeting between work and home :shock: Next one is 7.30pm and I'm hosting supper - cold platter - salad type affair and business ............ when over I'll go to the 'really rather happy tent' for some rest bite. :lol:
I'm in today, too, though so busy since I woke up I didn't have time to post. This is good, as busy makes it easy to ignore food.

We had two days of a delightful "middle of the week weekend" during which I ate enough to cancel out this fast, but it was (mostly) delicious, freshly cooked food of the kind we rarely encounter on vacations. So I am glad that I can cancel it out with a fast, and on we will go.
I'm still here so far. I don't know what's for dinner yet, but have told mil I don't want dessert as I'm dieting, so I'm being sent to shop for strawberries x

edit- we had mash, broad beans and smoked fish (just a mouthful of fish as I'm not a fan of smoked. strawbs on the way. im hopefully under 500cals, but as I didn't eat anything for 24 hours, I should be ok anyway x
@Cobham, I too just started in April. Being menopausal, getting good sleep is a very high priority for me. So, I usually have a bedtime snack of (high protein) fat free Greek yogurt with berries or other low cal fruit. The yogurt makes it satisfying, the fruit adds just enough carbs. You could also add a teaspoon of agave if you want a little more sweetness, it's low glycemic.

I'm in today too; still just before 11am here. Was thinking last night, Ugh, tomorrow is a fast day; usually I rather look forward to them. But OK so far today; got my coffee, tea and boatloads of water to follow. Probably going to an outdoor movie tonight (weather has been stellar here, for Seattle), so will need to bring my dinner with so I don't...ahem...cheat. Or get terminally grumpy if I hit the wall (trying to convince the person I'm going with to try this WOL, not the best way: ripping his head off). :razz:
Thanks ferretgal. I also have some greek yogurt with fruit and some granola, oatbased. I think the homegrown raspberries last time were a bit sour so have make up a batch of apricot puree to sweeten tonight's 'snack'. Meal tonight was soup (note to self= must restock freezer) followed by two egg omelette with mushroom/toms/red pepper/a scallion served with dash of ketchup on side. So just had a tea and dont feel starving. Another note to self is to stock fridge with sparkling water.. more appropriate when hot weather.
I have to stick to a gluten free diet so that helps as have become used to being disciplined about food. Gluten free bread is no great shakes so not a big deal to do without.
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