The FastDay Forum

Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

23 posts Page 2 of 2
@chomp_chimp!love yr name x :lol:
Ive just had some of my nectar of the gods after 21 hours no grub...
only 210 cals Chomped so far...!
Enjoy yr dindins fellow fasteeeees x
Hi Candy! Well done with the low calories! I've just finished my poached egg on a bed of cabbage with baked beans, followed by 2 Weetabix - exciting huh?!
Hope tomorrow's weigh in will be good!
We're nearly there everyone - well done!!
Bean xx
@Cathykaty, just a bit of advice, take it or leave it: I've found it dangerous to wait and "see what I fancy" to eat on light days. WAY too easy to get out of control! I find it works much better for me to figure out what I'm going to eat early on, then stick with that. I'm not married to it, if something else comes up; but I find the fewer decisions about food I need to make on a light day (especially once it's time to eat; I don't eat anything till after 6pm, so am pretty dang hungry by then...and that first bite makes it worse!), the better.

I messed up a bit on my Monday fast; ate a bit of frozen yogurt late in the evening, then lost my mind and had a few potato chips (!). Oh well...probably more like 700 than 500 that day.

I'm in today, just now having my pot o' green tea, just past noon. "The usual" the rest of the day.
It was all going so well until I had a glass of wine then the lovely Lebanese banquet got the better of me! I did stick to veggie options and avoided the haloumi but the bread and dips would definitely have taken me over. Oh well, lesson learned. If going out for dinner it is best for me to swap my fast day.
Do you know@pilchards ....lifes too short to miss out on good times...there are plenty of " ordinary" days on which to fast
I' m glad you had wine and sampled that feast! Life is for living ! X
Good Morning @ferretgal
I do know what you mean and slipped up a few times at the beginning :doh:
I plan on a weekend 2 or 3 options I can have on my fasting day depending on what takes my fancy.
I really need to get a lot more active, I love to dance, esp to Northern Soul and in Doncaster there seems
to be a revival just lately.
I try to walk my dog around 2 miles, but at the moment he's still fairly young and very big so it's hard going
at times.
Thankyou so much for taking the time to message me...this is the thing that keeps me going :smile:
nursebean wrote: Hi Candy! Well done with the low calories! I've just finished my poached egg on a bed of cabbage with baked beans, followed by 2 Weetabix - exciting huh?!
Hope tomorrow's weigh in will be good!
We're nearly there everyone - well done!!
Bean xx

@nursebean, don't act just love your cereal. I'm sure you could prob spend your calories in something better than that.... Some protein or fat to stop you being hungry perhaps...
Just a thought me Lovely
Good point @Carieoates - it's now Tuesday and I am fasting so maybe I'll cut out the cereal today and see what else I can have instead. Merci beaucoup,
Bean xx
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