The FastDay Forum

Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

27 posts Page 1 of 2
I cant find a fasting thread for today so I guess Im starting. Its 11.30am here, where is everyone???
How are you going @Sallyo, you pop up on FB so Im guessing you are healing ok?
I've had a rough couple of days at work and am trying to fast today but I always find it harder towards the end of my three weeks at work. I shall try my hardest to ge through the day but may have to cut myself some slack if it all goes pearshaped today. :dazed:
I'm in today. I've kind of fallen off the rails lately. Too many social events have gotten in the way of scheduling my fasts, which isn't necessarily a problem except that I've been eating WAY too much on non-fast days. So… I'm thinking of doing back-to-back fasts today and tomorrow. I have another leaving party (a BBQ, which should at least be healthy) on Saturday.

Good luck, Thursday fasters! :clover: :clover: :clover:
I'm here ladies, beach walk, massage, protein bar, soup, coffee, not in that order. Stunning day here, driving about with the roof down on car to make the most of it. Turning my house to white on white! Lots of white...white bamboo floors, white walls but...dining had wood panels and doors and blinds handyman has started painting wood, but thinks doing doors etc 'a big job'...well I have news for him LOL. Off to buy white wood venetians and one way or another it will soon be white. Then with the bits of blue, water paintings I'll really have my beach house...oh and the old surfboard I bought as a prop in loungeroom. I'm excited :-) hope the day passes smoothly for us all. @Debs you'll do it and feel fabulous for doing so..days off soon :grin:
@GMH Yes it is a glorious day isnt it!! Your house sounds wonderful, are you up the coast from Sydney?
Still quiet in here, SHHH dont wake up all our northern hemisphere friend just yet :grin:
I'm in. It's just gone 12pm in Perth, Western Australia and I've not even had a nibble. I have an interview for a job I really want at 4pm so thinking about that is keeping my mind off anything else.

I'm planning a miso soup before the meeting so my tummy doesn't grumble mid interview and a large dinner tonight.

Happy Thursday.
@Wineoclock :sleepy: you called? Yes, I'm in and I'm up - 4am here in London town, the birds are singing.
Yes @Wineoclock Central Coast, Umina Beach. I'm about to eat grilled cauliflower again, then walk the boys again. Been out spending money :oops:
I'm in and it's dinner time. Large salad and small amount of roast lamb. :)
HI Thursday fasters: missing you but I think it's good to have a fasting holiday. Worried about how tight my jeans feel today. You can do it @Debs. House sounds gorgeous, @GMH And, @Wineoclock, see you on FB; 'morning @Lizbean
Good luck with the job @cyclonet!

Hello all - I'm joining you today for my second of the week. Hope it goes well for everyone x
Hi I'm in too. Off to visit my grandparents today and then finish sorting out the house before my in laws arrive tomorrow. Tonight hopefully we are going to see my eldest in his school musical. There is a bit of a question mark though as he has caught a cold and has semi lost his voice. I won't get to see him if he doesn't perform tonight as I can't go saturday his next performance.
I'm fasting today hopefully I will see a loss tomorrow.
Good luck fellow fasters :like:
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