The FastDay Forum

Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

30 posts Page 2 of 2
I'm in! I've a good fast day but dying for a glass of wine but will be good- I can have it tomorrow. ( I usually work tomorrow - friday- but I have the day off to take my son to his last HSC high school exam Physics! So it feels a bit like Friday night :-( but will refrain.
Just had dinner. I had 100gm of cottage cheese with some rice crackers at about 3.30pm and that was good. Dinner was after 6 and I had a good afternoon. So good experiment. On Thursdays I work, so that works. Maybe on my Monday fast, I'll try the early dinner experiment. I don't work on Mondays. I'm missing wine too, @julieanna. Tomorrow, like you say. @GMH, interesting experiment and good result. Maybe I should do that: breakfast and one other meal, plus snack. I just really resist the idea of dieting. And I want to eat CAKE! Where is that famous cake shop @Sassy1?
@Sallyo in a way it's sort of like a small lunch, if I have a big protein bar, the Atkins chocolate decadence is beautiful and is 262, Aussie Bodies a bit less, so I guess I could call it a small lunch. They are very filling. Also easy. It's more trying to establish a pattern, breakfast is either omelette or gourmet porridge and Greek yoghurt. Then if lunch is protein bar, then late lunch early dinner of whatever. On more calorie days, wine, dessert bread etc. However I now find I'm not so hungry. Wish I'd done the lunch thing at the start. Really suits me.
I am on my weekly maintenance fast today too. It is nice and sunny outside to cheer me on. Yesterday I rather blew my lunch-fasting. There was a general leaf rake day in our village church yard. At 10:00 they offered coffee and I took a bread bun ( not low carb) with butter, cheese, ham and cucumber slices to go with my coffee. It was lovely. Naturally I had no lunch as I got home, and actually only gained 300g. We'll see how much I'll lose today. Only had black tea and coffee so far. Good luck to all and sundry
Hi everyone, had a busy day so haven't managed to check back in til now. :) After the cleaning was done, spent the afternoon at the shops, don't do that very often. Good distraction! Thought I should get OH a card and pressie for our anniversary since we are doing something special (in recent years we haven't bothered... is that sad or what??!) plus do a few other things. Then had the daily phone call to dad, followed by Skype call to mum, dinner to prepare and clean up after (chicken stir fry, no rice for me), then have to admit, sat in front of the TV for some Aussie comedy and now The Midwives, a lovely UK documentary.
@GMH, Cavvies are very cute dogs, these are our third pair but the first time we had 2 puppies together. That was a disaster!! Just as well our carpet is 40 years old and our furniture 30 years old.... And do keep us posted on how your different meal plans work. :)
@Chinchin, I checked the dress today. All good! Have had an ok fast today, so just need to manage the intake tomorrow. Saturday I will try to eat as little as possible before the wedding... Hopefully your one cake won't have done any damage!!
@Amulet, good on you for being able to manage the quantity you ate while away. :D My plan is to eat smallish amounts of the very best the brekkie has to offer. Hmm....not sure that will be the eventuality tho!
@Sallyo, the cake shop is Brunetti's, in Carlton, this website has good pictures: ... ant-photos
@Margotsylvia, I would think that 300g is mainly water - your lunch didn't sound so bad! :) sounds delicious too. :)
Almost bedtime now - good luck to our fasting overseas colleagues! :D
I'm in and just catching up in a quiet moment.
Ended up unloading trucks this morning ad having to push the trunks/flight cases up a ramp. Definite HIIT!
Haven't read the whole thread and hoping that everyone is having a good fast.
Hello all! I am aiming for a fast day today as well. Still early here, though, 9:50 a.m. and have the rest of the day to go. Thankfully I will be busy at work for three hours over the lunch hour. I can usually forego eating until I get home, with no hunger pangs at all, which is so strange since I work in a restaurant making sandwiches for those three hours. I usually allow myself a sub or higher calorie salad (mmm honey french dressing. oops, sorry, talking about food!) on Friday's after work so I have that to look forward to!

I am so grateful to have found this site and can take part in all of these discussions. It is so much easier than doing it on my own!

Happy fasting.
I'm in today! It's mid morning here, getting the kids schooling done then off to work. Have a great day everyone!
I'm heading downstairs to get my second big cup of herb tea.

My weight has still not recovered from my 5 day conference, even though I haven't missed a fast. It's depressing how much scale weight you can gain in a few days. I know, intellectually, that I couldn't have gained 3 real pounds stuffing my face over a 5 day period, but whatever the explanation, I've been back over 140 lbs every day this week, including after a Monday fast. I was 137 before I left last Weds morning.

Oh well. Off to drink my tea!
Hi everyone... glad to see others are fasting because I'm feeling rather grumpy with mine today. My schedule is different this week so I am fasting today instead of Friday... that is two days in a row. Ugh... I don't like doing that but I really want to make sure I get my 4:3 for the week. Already had a full pot of coffee (half decaf) and am doing some very boring book work. Think I will break out for a walk in the sunshine this afternoon so I don't raid the fridge.
Woken up with that lovely slim empty tummy feeling. 2 milestones today. Broken through to a new low on scales ( only by 0.1 kg but I'll take it!) In the lest 4 months I've put on and taken off 2.6 kgs . and I've reached 88 cm on my waist which is what my doctor wants. That is my first waist goal. My next is 85 cms which is half of my night which the forum says I'd healthy as it takes into account our different sizes.So that's 19 cms lost of belly since journey began.yay :victory: I was so happy I got up and went for a walk/ sprint! Now to take DS to his last ever High school exam.
Xxx julianna
peebles wrote: My weight has still not recovered from my 5 day conference, even though I haven't missed a fast. It's depressing how much scale weight you can gain in a few days. I know, intellectually, that I couldn't have gained 3 real pounds stuffing my face over a 5 day period, but whatever the explanation, I've been back over 140 lbs every day this week, including after a Monday fast. I was 137 before I left last Weds morning. !

(((hugs))) I haven't lost weight in 3 weeks now. The darn tracker keep putting off my goal weight by a few months now. But there is so many helpful benefits to fasting that I look forward to it. In fact I noticed some age spots I had are now completely gone. I'm guessing my body repaired that. Also, I'm not gaining weight so I'm happy with that as well.
Long work day and eve. Have work colleagues in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) where there is civil unrest so I'm on call this night time. I have fasted but I expect stress will balance it out!!

Very best wishes to those still fasting this Thursday :clover:
glad to know others are doing well today, and can commiserate with those whose weight has remained the same or have gained. I've decided to input my weight in the tracker every Friday so I don't get discouraged by the numbers rising during the week as they have been doing. I will most likely still weight myself every morning but will see my Friday weights as the ones that count. They will probably be the best of the week since I generally, so far anyway, eat more on the weekends. I have to relearn how to eat properly on my non fast days.

Today has gone well. I resisted the cake at my friend's! Yippee! she knows about my new "diet" and asked if I was fasting today after she had eaten some cake and when I said I was she jumped up and grabbed the cake and took it into the kitchen. I was touched but told her it was alright, that I wasn't feeling hungry and was not tempted. She then asked what had changed with me, my mindset is so different from just a couple of weeks ago. So I told her about seeing Michael Mosley's program twice and thinking 5:2, I can do that! so much better than calorie counting every single day for months and then being discouraged by my tiny, incremental weight loss. I realized I want to eat better and that eating more vegetables during my fast days has influenced me so much that I look forward to having them on non fast days as well. We picked some baby spinach from her garden-we haven't had a hard frost yet- and some dill. I will make potato dill soup tomorrow. I haven't had it in ages!

Well, time for me to eat my supper. I'm sure many of you are in bed by now but for those still awake have a great night!
@Stephd I really relate to your post! Whether it is a fast day 'the kitchen is closed' until tomorrow is a good place to be OR on a none fast day you can close the kitchen at any time. I see you have posted regularly, I'll catch up with you at the weekend. Liz
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