I did really well last week and had really good fasts well under 500cals, and also managed not to pig out on my non-fast days. Was close to smashing through the 9st barrier and then 'ate normally' over the weekend i.e. I had breakfast, lunch and dinner with snacks and wine. Now I'm back up 2lb and got to fast it all off again - did a 16:8 day yesterday but can't see how that could possibly help apart from a maintenance strategy unless counting calories too as I know I ate too much even within the 8 hours (and I didn't feel I was overeating). I guess I'm just realising how little food I actually need. Ho hum.
Anyway today is a new day and thanks to a colossal lie in (I needed the sleep!) it's 10am and I'm still having my morning cup of tea. Hopefully today will be easy...