The FastDay Forum

Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

29 posts Page 1 of 2
Who's in today? It's my second fast of the week.
Lil :heart:
In today! Been a while since a serious fast due to ill health and busy schedule and work trips. Hope to get back on the band wagon now. :)
Hope it goes well for you. Good luck!
Lil :heart:
I will be, it's still Tuesday at the moment! :wink:
I hate to be so negative but I'm so hungry already and it's not even 8.30AM.
:( oh well water and tea until my soup tonight!
Lil :heart:
Lil'Smiler, keep busy! Distraction helps with the 'hunger' pangs. My fast days are usually my busiest days at work, and I have little time to stress about being hungry :)
I'll try Dude, I work in a quiet office though so there isn't that much distraction apart from the internet! Although it does mean I get to rant to all you lovely people.
Trying to bloat myself out with water which is working.. for now.
Lil :heart:
Wishing all the Wednesday fasters a swift, successful fast!
How is everyone going?
Lil :heart:
Hey there LilSmiler, I'm fasting as well today. My second for the week and I am really hungry.
I had a mug of miso soup about an hour ago which I enjoyed, but my stomach is not satisfied!
It's a busy day in the office so far, so at least that's keeping me distracted.
It's only one day and I'm thinking about all the lovely repairing my body is doing and all the lovely bits of additional hip and thighs that my body can use for energy instead of me making it easy for it by eating something.
Weighed in this morning a little lighter than last week, so that was a good start to the day :-)
Wishing everyone a great day.
Fantastic Otter, always good to see hey!
I haven't eaten yet but had a bit too much milk in my coffee which I'm slightly annoyed about, waste of calories.
Never mind, soup and an early night then not another fast til Monday.
Love getting them out of the way early in the week.
Lil :heart:
I'm in! 2nd of the week as well. Fasting with tea and water until 7pm and then it's on to a small 500 cal dinner. Woo woo!

Good luck everyone :clover: :heart: :)
Good luck Joy
Lil :heart:
I'm in today. First since last Wednesday, as been away. But been trying to 16.8 to make up for it.
I'm really surprised and impressed with how many people do 16:8, it just seems so difficult?
Especially combined with 5:2!
Lil :heart:
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