I'd bought Fast Diet book about a month ago after I'd seen Dr. Mosely on the BBC. I'm usually very wary of any diet that doesn't just rely on eating less and moving more but what intrigued me about this was the similarity to the Prophet Muhammad's approach who encouraged voluntary fasting on Mondays and Thursdays. As a Muslim, I thought this would not only help shift my last few pounds but also provide some spirituality.
Anyway, I'm doing it differently from the Islamic way which is abstaining from food and drink from dawn til dusk. I fasted Monday and Thursday this week and because I had a bit of a cholcoalte attack last night, I thought I'd make today a 'sort of' fast. My breakfast and lunch came to 480 calories and I'm planning on fasting for the rest of the day until breakfast tomorrow with maybe an apple for supper.
It's 5pm and the hunger is creeping in. I was going to end with a line saying 'let's see how it goes' but I realised this is why I fail so often- I'm not resoloute. So I'll end with a different approach this time instead; I'm determined to get through today. I know I can do it and it's only half a day- no biggie.