The FastDay Forum

Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

35 posts Page 3 of 3
....and to bed, another one done!

Not too bad for me today, and I don't seem to get head aches anymore thank goodness.

Went to see a friend who is helping a farmer with lambing this morning, which took my mind off everything for a few hours - I got to bottle feed three new borns! Fantastic, wanna get some sheep!!!

Feeling very virtuous drinking ice cold water with a twist of lemon and lime.

Well done everyone, by the sounds of it some of you had a tough one, so double points to you for sticking with it!

Signing off for tonight zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
It's going to be a very little dinner tonight but I can make it a few more hours.
I'm in! After doing a lot of reading about this practice on Mark's Daily Apple (I learned about this site from a forum there)and watching Mr Mosleys BBC film on PBS a few days ago, I decided this could work for me. I've ordered his book, should arrive by post this afternoon, but I have started fasting today. Just 2 cups of coffee with 5 Tbsp HWC (259 calories) this morning. And planning on a protein shake (150 calories) tonight with 100 calories of strawberries (will have to weigh, but should be a lot).
I'm feeling hungry, but am encouraged by knowing I can eat regularly tomorrow.
I appreciate the information I have already found on this site!
2nd fast of week, and it's ok. Studying at moment, (well taking a break) and normally would have a chocolate pick-me-up, but 2 cuppa"a ( decaf) later and I'll make it through.....
Waiting for hubby to get home so we can have our 500 calorie meal. I'm just having a Big bowl of cereal and skim milk.
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