The FastDay Forum

Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

23 posts Page 2 of 2
I'm in
@maryann..i read that its a very significant day in Japan today..fourth anniversary of the earthquake,tsunami and nuclear disaster of 2011 that killed thousands and displaced many others.I feel very sad to hear that so many are still in temporary accommodation and still suffering the results of this tragedy
Puts our own little weekly battles with fasting into perspective doesnt it x
I'm checking in for today. This is my 2nd fast day, however I the first one this week did not go so well. I'm hoping not to blow this one. Have a good day everyone
How are all the Wednesday Wonderfuls?
Congrats to those whove finished x
I' m craving biccies and buns but i' ll content myself with scrambled eggs at 6 pm x
Eh...I was in and now I'm...not and still am...I dunno. I am in a bad and stressed mood for no good reason. I've got some split pea soup going on the stove for my fast-day dinner. But I just broke down and had some booze to take the edge off. I'm promising myself to stop at the one drink and to stick to my planned calories otherwise. If I succeed in that, I'll call it a successful(-ish) fast and move on.

Whew....I feel better for having typed that. Grats to those who succeeded and good luck to those still going! :clover:
Well, the way I see it is that even a less-than-perfect fast day is still miles better than a mindless day of cut yourself some slack! Tomorrow (or to be more precise, your next fast day) is another day. The slate will be wiped clean and you can have another go - so don't sweat the small stuff! What's a glass of wine between friends? Sometimes that's the only thing that hits the spot......and it has got to be miles less calories than the entire box of Maltesers that I use as my weapon of choice many days a week......
Hazelnut20 wrote: Well, the way I see it is that even a less-than-perfect fast day is still miles better than a mindless day of cut yourself some slack! Tomorrow (or to be more precise, your next fast day) is another day. The slate will be wiped clean and you can have another go - so don't sweat the small stuff! What's a glass of wine between friends? Sometimes that's the only thing that hits the spot......and it has got to be miles less calories than the entire box of Maltesers that I use as my weapon of choice many days a week......

Couldn't agree more - Progress Not Perfection is all we can expect of ourselves.

Saw an A-board I should have photographed in London this evening. Something along the lines of:

I'm having fruit salad for dinner. Mostly grapes.
Actually, it's all grapes.
Fermented grapes. In fact, it's a glass of wine.
I'm having wine for dinner.

The phrase, Weapon of Choice made me think of Christopher Walken's dance to Weapon of Choice:
Thanks, @CandiceMarie. We had few minutes of silence yesterday afternoon. I wish the government would do more for the people who are still suffering. I haven't quite figured out if it's ineptitude or a cultural thing.
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