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Fasting Windows

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just what exactly is 16:8?
10 Aug 2013, 10:18
I've looked through numerous topics on here and yet can't find any answer to the question...what exactly is 16:8?
Re: just what exactly is 16:8?
10 Aug 2013, 10:24
In a nutshell you can eat/drink 8 hours in every 24 - usually the same 8 hour period e.g between noon and 8pm every day. So that's 8 hours eating/drinking and 16 hours not eating / drinking.
Re: just what exactly is 16:8?
10 Aug 2013, 10:45
I do 16:8 regularly and find it fits in well for me. I do it for the fasting benefits though and eat low carb as my general weight loss plan. I have to eat low carb to maintain my blood glucose so the 16:8 fits best for me. You can choose whatever 8 hour window suits your lifestyle. I have 2pm to 11pm for mine. I've never been a breakfast person and having the slightly later window lets me have a snack before bed which keeps my fasting sugar lower.

If you try it be aware that its easy to eat a good number of calories in 8 hours and that's why a lot of people prefer to do 5:2 or even a mix of 5:2 and 16:8. Good for maintenance though. Check out the 5:2+16:8 thread. Ballerina has posted some good links in the early part of the thread.
Re: just what exactly is 16:8?
10 Aug 2013, 11:27
So it seems I have been "doing 16:8" naturally anyway. Thanks for all the explanations folks. :-)
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