The FastDay Forum

Fastonbury Glamping Grounds

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Hi, @barbarita - see my post in the links thread about an American family that gave up sugar for a year - its quite interesting.
GoLinda wrote: Do we have a "Confession" tent to balance this thread? I ate about 10 cookies today. They were gluten free Oreo type and I just didn't stop.

@GoLinda..we have TheTemptationsTent where we can confess when we've been naughty! :lol: i wanted to post the link but sometimes my ipad won't let me
But if you look under Fastonbury GlampingTents you will find it! X
Nothing very major but I resisted the temptation to buy chocolate tonight when shopping - I knew I only fancied it because I'm tired :confused:
Well done @madcatlady another little battle won! :like: give yrself a pat on the back
My sunday is going to be quite choc orientated..we're having Easter tomozz as DD home but returns down south monday
Big Time fasting restarts then for Mom x :razz:

Resisted toast in Jenners this morning. :like: :like: :like:
That is all. :wink:
I have not eaten anything yet today. So it may as well be a fast day. Well it has been 10 days since my last one :shock:
Went dress shopping yesterday & paused outside Patisserie Valerie in Exeter......just to look at all the amazing treats in the window. What a feast for the eyes they were! Shame the window was in the way.....or I'd've sniffed them all too, tee hee!

Managed to fast whilst shopping I consider that & not buying a scrummy cake a major triumph.....!

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
I've been lusting after chocolate all day. None in the house but I'm in easy reach of shops. Picked up my knitting instead! :victory:
Bravo @Chook - that's the spirit! No pounds gained & a lovely bit of knitting into the I'd say!

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
I am standing waiting for my grilled barramundi and am ignoring the cauli cheese, roast spuds, golden syrup dumplings and have a plate of stir fry veg. Pat on the back for me!
Lovely izzy(not!). My OH can do that as well, it would take all my willpower to ignore galaxy choccy! So a big well done to you!!!
Pooh, can't sneak one then. Probably just as well. I asked OH to hide the peanut butter jar from me once and then we played hunt the jar for weeks. I kept finding it, sneaking a spoonful and putting it back. By the time I found it in the grate of the Aga it was almost gone! The only place he could hide it where I couldn't reach it was on a rafter!!
Ooh, big pat on the back here for @Debs - foregoing that yummy food takes some doing! Very proud of you!

Isn't Galaxy fabulous? It's always been my favourite chocolate. I weakened late on Monday night & had quite a bit of it......Oooh, wait......I think I'm in the wrong tent!!!!

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
Didn't eat any Crystallized ginger since my binge last Sunday.
Oh flamin Nora I'm hanging on by a thread. I am on my second fast day, but my first was yesterday. I havent done consecutive fasts before. The day started with rounds of hot butteted toast and jam for the kids. I swear they only eat toast when I'm fasting! I wasnt sure about fasting today, but I am only home these 2 days and visiting relatives last weekend and again this weekend. So, lots of splurges either side of my fasts! So, after passing up on the toast this morning I decided to keep going. I managed to avoid the coffee shop treats with a friend earlier too. Cant say its easy though. Can I have a hug now...!
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