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Re: Men Only!
23 Apr 2013, 10:00
skippyscuffleton wrote: Was very disappointed that this post wasn't about the gentleman's periodical that was popular with my teenage contemporaries back in the '80s.
Can't think what you're on about... :oops:

dhana wrote: I would love to know how I can get my son to take up 5.2
I would talk about the health benefits rather than the weight loss and leaving the book lying around is perfect so he 'takes ownership' of the idea. You have to be a bit canny when dealing with men, but you girls - I know you are reading this! - understand all about that I'm sure...

Suchard007 wrote: My hubby is on this with me - has lost nearly 2stone since Christmas and is practically at his target weight of 12st... not quite sure how he's managed it - but he is VERY strict on fast days
Good for him! Yes I think I am a bit stricter on fast days than my OH which might be why I am still losing and she is not (plus she doesn't need to lose any more). I think the '2 days on duty', '5 days off' is appealing to men, maybe we enjoy the 'off duty' days more because we have followed Sergeant Major Mosley's orders so carefully when 'on'.
Re: Men Only!
23 Apr 2013, 10:10
Why don't I know about "Men Only" then? I guess I must have had a sheltered upbringing. As Dominic has said I think it is the simplicity of the 5:2 that appeals to us. Not sure what that suggests about men though. :grin:
Re: Men Only!
23 Apr 2013, 10:35
:grin: Great thread

I agree with the general comments above. IMHO men are much better at following "strict" rules for a short time, and rubbish (or at least I am) at long-term compliance with a restricted routine, which is why 5:2 appeals so much.

Same with Dukan & Atkins (both of which I dabbled with in the past) as they are restrictive, but only of certain foods so we can follow the plan whilst still feeling 'in control' (so what if I have a fry-up for breakfast, it's allowed)!

I'm in week 8 and really finding the fast days easy, in fact most weeks I'm skipping breakfast 3-4 days and lunch 2-3 days as well as cutting back on 'snacking'. HOWEVER this does NOT include weekends (3 days Fri-Sun) which include all the personal favorites (esp beer & wine). I must say though I especially enjoy the Monday fast and can feel the weekend 'leaving my body' throughout the day, by evening I feel great again.

I've always drunk a reasonable amount of water & black coffee since doing "Lighter Life" 4 years ago, and do believe this helps weight loss, but each to their own.

I'm here primarily to get back to my 'fighting weight' before a big holiday in June (6 weeks to go), and am delighted with 17lb loss and on target. Will definitely be back on 5:2 when I get home as it just works. :like:
Re: Men Only!
23 Apr 2013, 10:47
Hello Gents,
Third week in for me and finding each fast day easier than the previous. Lot's of water and a little more coffee than normal on fast days. I try and save 100 cals on fast days to get a light brew in before crashing. I'm saving some time and money on fast days as well! Down 2-3 pounds from initial weight and feeling very good.
Re: Men Only!
23 Apr 2013, 12:35
Hey guys, I've just started the 5:2 and only done a few fast days so far but finding it quite good and feeling confident.

On fast days I have only done a true fast and just drink plenty of water and tea.
I like the fact that as long as I don't over indulge to often I can still go out for a curry and a few beers with my mates at weekend and I can arrange the fast days around my life (Even though its not a true fast I'm torn between turning today into a fast day 450cals consumed so far after breakfast & dinner) or feast on a big steak for my tea with all the trimmings!)

Before this I did the dukan diet which did bring results but after a while I just got fed up of the limited meal choices (especially at lunch times in work) and once my body got reintroduced to carbs the weight piled back on. So hopefully I can continue to drop the weight off with the 5:2 and then keep it off!
Re: Men Only!
23 Apr 2013, 12:54
Just popped by to ruin the point of the post, LOL!
Re: Men Only!
23 Apr 2013, 13:12
Suchard007 wrote:
dominic wrote: Hey ballerina how did you get in here didn't you see the sign on the door? :wink:

Aw come on dominic - brucewillis's subject line is like a red rag to a bull...

Did you really think we wouldn't read it - first thread I looked at when I logged on!

Nice to see some opinions from more guys for a change! :wink:
Re: Men Only!
23 Apr 2013, 13:59
brougham wrote: Hello Gents,
I try and save 100 cals on fast days to get a light brew in before crashing.

My OH does this also, though the first time was by accident. We had be gardening and he just reached for a beer and uncapped it out of habit! Told him the beer or a cut back on dinner .. he chose the beer! :lol:

Oh excuse me, I forgot the sign said Men only .. oh well, never really stopped me before really, when you gotta go you gotta go! :grin:
Re: Men Only!
23 Apr 2013, 16:12
Hi Dominic,

the thing is, I almost always wear trousers and as a result I get totally confused with the signs on toilet doors and the number of times I have had to retreat at faster than the speed of light, well, you would not believe.

This men's mag 'Men only' is it any relation to the famous car mags, "Escort' and 'Fiesta'? Unlike the family mag 'Reader's wives' which I have on good authority is NOTHING like 'Reader's Digest'!

Keep posting boys, we love you,

Ballerina x
Re: Men Only!
23 Apr 2013, 16:14
Men only my -soon to be oh so skinny- @rse!!!

(Don't get me wrong, I really had to make the skinny @rse comment...)
Re: Men Only!
23 Apr 2013, 17:15
Rooney looks as if he could do with going on 5/2

Nice one guys. Ive lost 7lbs in 3 weeks.
I skip breakfast and lunch and hang on til dinner. Usually manage a 22 hour fast twice a week. Mon and Thurs.
Re: Men Only!
23 Apr 2013, 17:24
Ballerina wrote: This men's mag 'Men only' is it any relation to the famous car mags, "Escort' and 'Fiesta'?
I think you get the idea. Revealing all the latest models. Kind of Top(shelf) Gear. So I imagine, anyway...
Re: Men Only!
23 Apr 2013, 17:50
*sticks head round door for a looksie and then quickly retreats again* Wonder how many of the 400+ views on this thread are women having a sneaky look!!
Re: Men Only!
23 Apr 2013, 19:54
Oh yes redhead, couldn't resist sticking my nose men don't like that! Oops neither do you like being told what you don't like!!!
Re: Men Only!
24 Apr 2013, 06:11
Brilliant to see so many men on here. I'm convinced the 5:2 is perfect for blokes as it's so, so flexible. A visit to the pub or a pukka pie at the football doesn't lead you to be dragged to the gallows or shot at(by) dawn.

Are there any tips out there just particularly aimed at Men?

My tip for the day, is a photo of you on the beach pinned up somewhere, women call it 'bikini dread' ! I call it Gutwatch.

Thought for the day : Have any other men started to look forward to their fast days? I almost turned into guy the gorilla on the first few. Love them now (ish)
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