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Re: Men Only!
25 Apr 2013, 19:21
Wow, some mighty impressive posts here chaps!

Motivational tip 3 : Just think how handsome you'll look in a football shirt, once all that lard has gone.
Re: Men Only!
25 Apr 2013, 19:35
Hi all. Newbie here. Started on 5:2 three weeks ago (just finishing fast 6 today) generally fast on Monday and Wednesday or Thursday.
Having read through the posts I think I am doing a couple of things differently....
1. I have no idea what my start weight was. It would have been too high I know that! I decided to use the fit of clothes as a guide instead of the scales. This means that I don't know how much if any weight I have lost- I think a few things have felt looser but that could be my imagination!
2. I don't count calories at all on feast days. I don't go mad. But I have what I want. To me, that was the point and appeal of this diet. The pain is short lived.

I haven't found fast days too bad. Best to keep busy I find. I eat a light breakfast then nothing till dinner at 7pm ish. I find what you have at breakfast makes a difference to how hungry I am during the day. Eggs are best for keeping me full.
Surprisingly, I have found that the day after fast day I'm not that hungry. I expected to be starving, but that 'lighter feel' is quite appealing. I almost quite like the empty feeling!
What I haven't tried yet is much of an increase in exercise. I have always hated it!
My partner is also trying 5:2 but has a lot less than me to loose. He also did not do an initial weigh in but does have more of an idea of his weight generally. I guess his results will be an indication of how I have done when he gets weighed after a month of 5:2
Re: Men Only!
25 Apr 2013, 20:01
Hi Johnlincoln and welcome! Thanks for your observations. In reverse order:
  • No need to count calories on feed days at all if you are eating sensibly, which it sounds like you are. I don't.
  • No need to weigh if you are happy (and will remain happy) not to know. In fact it may be healthy not to be a slave to the scales. But most of us do like some validation and independent proof that we are losing. I didn't weigh myself before I started (although I know pretty much where I was); if I had my time again I would not only have weighed but got a whole slew of statistics so that I could now compare my progress. You could also consider measuring your waist - use a fabric tape measure around the tummy button, breath out and take several readings until you are happy which one is right. It's likely to be higher than your (current) trouser waist size. Waist size is a better indicator of likely future health problems than BMI/weight. Oh, and if you do, you can put your stats (weight and waist) in the Progress Tracker here. You get a nice graph and you contribute to the overall forum statistics - over 5 tonnes lost since January...

Re exercise: I didn't do much when I started 5:2 (a while ago now...), in fact probably less than I had been doing before. I think I felt that fasting was quite enough to be getting on with. Typical bloke I suppose - can't multi-task! More recently, especially after guidance from here, I have started HIIT and am playing more squash. Partly to guard against muscle loss (though 5:2 is not meant to cause much of this), partly cos it is obviously healthy. But it's not part of the 5:2 prescription.

There's heaps more info on all this around here. Shout if you need some guidance finding it.
Re: Men Only!
25 Apr 2013, 21:01
BruceE wrote: Question for you: you seem to be roughly the same height as me (within an inch) but you've targeted a goal weight almost a stone lighter than my goal. How did you choose that number? I'm asking because I'm reassessing my target and wondering how others choose theirs.

Thanks for the kind words and wish you all the best in reaching your goals.
I chose my target weight purely on wanting my BMI in the 'Healthy weight' region. I also want a few pounds to play with and hope to keep between 11 and a half and 12 stone.
Re: Men Only!
26 Apr 2013, 02:47
Ballerina wrote: Re: Men Only!
by skippyscuffleton » 25 Apr 2013, 11:32

I have heard though that they were all in various states of undress...

WHAT? UNdress you say? All these years I thought the ladies were demonstrating how to put clothes ON! Just shows you how much I know about the male fantasies,

Ballerina x

Sounds to me like you`ve been reading it from back to front?
Re: Men Only!
26 Apr 2013, 03:38
As a new bloke on the forum, I have been pointed to this thread when all the testosterone lives :)

Newcomer to 5:2 with my first fast day on Wednesday. Was not as hard as I thought it would be. But then again, Wednesdays is such a busy work day, it is not surprising that I don't have time to think or complain.

New to all this dieting thing. Always been a big lad and suspect I always will be. However, as I get older, and the more I read about abdonminal fat being a major predisposing factor to all most health woes, the more I am getting worried. Specially since I seem to be packing it on in that area recently. I have two young kids and want to be there for them i the long term.

Other diets seem too restrictive and I am too chaotic an idividual to count calories. Rules and regulations about what I can and cannot eat will also eventually go the wayside as interest decreases.

A two day a week restriction on calories seems like a great idea, as it only means being in control two days a week. Something that would fit my personality more, leaving the rest of the week for the chaos that normally personifies my life.

Since I am doing this, I thought I would plug my data into the progress tracker. Had my BMI score calculated and realised I was considered obese. Never really saw myself as such. I admit to being a big bloke, solid square shoulders, large frame but packing the proverbial spare tire around the midsection. However, I always thought of myself as overweight, not obese. This obese title is a rude awakening.

Back calculated the BMI to assess what weight I should be and realise how much I need to lose. I have not been that weight since I was in high school, when I was much shorter.

Bit of a wake up call I think
Re: Men Only!
26 Apr 2013, 05:49
Chelsea did well last night.

Great to see an English Side in with a chance of getting to a final in Europe.
Re: Men Only!
26 Apr 2013, 08:28
Dude: Good luck with 5:2 - it seems to suit most men. Glad you have had the wake-up call in good time! When you feel confident, let's see your stats/tracker data so we can cheer you on (like the girls do...)
Re: Men Only!
26 Apr 2013, 08:52
brucewillis wrote: Motivational tip 3 : Just think how handsome you'll look in a football shirt, once all that lard has gone.

I'm maybe one of the few blokes who has little time for football :?: Think I'll stick to rugby shirts, I played for years :beatup: Girls like football .... WOMEN like rugby :wink:

However end of week 2 and ........ result :like:

3 pounds shed in the 2 weeks since I started and a definite reduction in the gut :like: good start and finding the restricted calorie days not too bad at all, (Tues & Thurs this week) don't feel 'starving marvin' this morning or Weds either, so maybe my concentration/willpower level can run to 2 days a week :lol:

Must remember not to over do things this weekend and only have a glass or two tonight and Saturday ! Have a good weekend chaps, (and chapesses) whatever your enjoyment is :like:
Re: Men Only!
26 Apr 2013, 08:58
Good God man, are you trying to upset me, 7, yes SEVEN icons in one post and I cannot manage one!!!

Ballerina x (The one with NO icons in her posts cause she is too stupid!)
Re: Men Only!
26 Apr 2013, 09:40
Thanks for the well wishes.

Agree, the ability to really only have to focus for two days a week is great. Ad even then, its not focus counting calories, it is just abstinence.

As for progress tracker, I messed up my initial entry and am now trying to rectify this. As for comfort sharing, will see :)
Re: Men Only!
26 Apr 2013, 10:28
Speaking of rugby, jerome kaino was in the pool I go to on Wednesday, he's one bloke who won't be needing to 5:2 anytime soon.
This being a mans thread I apologise that I couldn't report a fit female sports star, in swim suit, instead but I'll be sure to post any good news if I have any.
Re: Men Only!
26 Apr 2013, 12:25
:grin: welcome new posters Old Nog especially a fellow Rugby Nut - I also can't stand football and have no interest in it despite it being rammed down my throat on every paper & new bulletin.

Week 8 finished & another 2lb lost making 18lb in 8 weeks (2.25lb/wk which I think is fairly typical for 'the lads')

So, what do you think would improve the scrum as a contest?
Re: Men Only!
26 Apr 2013, 13:26
dominic wrote: - over 5 tonnes lost since January....

Gosh! No wonder you decided to diet dominic! :grin:
Re: Men Only!
26 Apr 2013, 13:37
Hi, Dude! If you can't correct your initial entry on the Progress Tracker, then PM Moogie with the correct data and she will be able to re-set it for you.

Please forgive a mere woman for offering advice, but the men seem to have ignored your comment - so impolite of them!
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