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When I have FastDay on one tab and then go to another tab to do something else for a while, does the forum still show me as online?

Likewise, when I put the laptop on sleep, does it show me as still online on the forum?

Just curious, I guess. :confused:
Was just wondering the exact same thing &
if I don't log out, just close my ipad & don't close the tab- am I still shown as online??

Sorry Marybeth I don't know the answer as I'm a bit rubbish with technology but maybe someone will enlightens us cos I'm curious too.
I often have lots of tabs up on my ipad & forget to close them.
If you didn't have to log back in after you re-awakened your PC, I believe that you were still online.

Notice that updating the silhouette (your login status) in the UL corner can be slow...most likely teething pains for the new layout.
...and does the light go off on the fridge when you close the door?
Thanks, Caro. I guess there's no way to know! without coercing a partner to check it out. (I'm not getting in the fridge)
Your online status should be based on your recent activity on the forum. Each time you load a page on the forum (be it reading a topic, searching, or posting a message and so on) the system recognises you as being online and keeps you online for - I believe - about 10 mins from that point. If there is no further activity from you during that time, it will show you as offline again - however, if you do something else on the forum the time is again extended by 10 mins (or did I set it to 5? I forget!) and shows you as online.
Hope that makes sense!
Moogie wrote: Your online status should be based on your recent activity on the forum. Each time you load a page on the forum (be it reading a topic, searching, or posting a message and so on) the system recognises you as being online and keeps you online for - I believe - about 10 mins from that point. If there is no further activity from you during that time, it will show you as offline again - however, if you do something else on the forum the time is again extended by 10 mins (or did I set it to 5? I forget!) and shows you as online.
Hope that makes sense!

@moogie I don't know if this is any help to you but I accidentally left my android tablet logged in on Sat night and low and behold Sunday morning still logged in.
I always assumed that I would show as online from when I opened my browser (the fastday site is one of several that opens automatically and I do not need to log in) until I shut down.

Often, the tablet is on but nobody is home. :lol:
I don't log off - i stay logged in,and even if i' m away for several hours, or overnight,i haven't been logged out when i return...
tho it used to happen on the old forum..i.e, if i was away a while, i'd find myself logged out when i returned x
I think there's some confusion here, I'm taking about whether the forum lists you on the online users list, not whether you are currently logged in not :) it shows you as online if you've been active in last 10 mins but that doesn't it logs you out after 10 mins, you may still be logged in, but if you've not 'done' anything at the forum in that time users won't see you on the active users list,
Hope that's clearer :)
Thanks for the clarification @Moogie! Now, something I've wondered about for ages (but was afraid to ask) is what does it mean when someone's name is in italics in the who's online list?
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