15 Jul 2013, 23:46
Down to 13.6 this evening.

Seems to have been GOOD 2lbs today but then yesterday was pretty hard work.... we did 68 pallets over a 12 hours shift(it was bit more than what I wanted in truth...).

I don't mean to sound like bragging but this seems to be the place to do it. Even the waist measurement is now starting to move.

It's not all good news of course, its difficult to keep going when stuff needs doing (especially in this weather) but it's one of the few :lol: good suggestions my Mum has had...

SOOOO pleased to have kicked the hard stuff into touch, too. I didn't touch it last night after a completely ropey shift which is stunning achievement though I do say it :shock: :grin: .

I am putting off job hunting (for now) 'cos I'm feeling rubbish on fast days ...

(I don't know where the stone has gone from as there are no [few] visible signs so far)