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Hello all

I have been reading posts on this forum for a quite a while but not made many comments. Started this WOL in the beginning of October and have been very happy with it. I haven´t lost all that much weight but quite a lot of cm:s and really happy with that.

Starting stats: Weight 66,5 kg
Waist: 79 cm
Hips: 101 cm
Fat %: 35,5%

Now: Weight 60 kg (ranges from 59,7 to 60,5)
Waist: 73 cm ( actually have a visible waistline nowadays )
Hips: 98 cm
Fat % 31% (ranges from 30,1 to 31,8)

Goal: 58 kg and Fat% 28% - not quite there yet

So slowly and with a lot of plateaus (longest was 1,5 months) on the way but getting there. I find fasting really easy and even enjoy Mondays and Thursdays when I have my fasts. Before this I felt really bloated and uncomfortable in my clothes even though I was in the healthy BMI range. Fortunately this has already started to change and I have been able to reclaim some of my old clothes :smile: Was even able to button up a pair of (very stretchy) 27" jeans :lol: though ended up buying 28" ones because of a better fit.

Like I said I have been reading a lot on this forum and had a lot of advice and motivation boosts when feeling down about plateaus and other stuff. So thank you all for being so supportive and open about your stories.

Best of luck to all and happy fasting :lol:
Welcome to the forums @SannaKL its lovely to hear of your success. It may be slow but it seems to be sure and sustainable.
The sustainability is the best thing about this whole thing. I can easily see myself doing this from now on till the end of days :lol: Maybe just have to switch to maintenance at some point.
I would say 6.5 kg is a fantastic loss so very well done! It's great when you can actually measure yourself shrinking too, isn't it? :wink: :grin:
Welcome to commenting! Congratulations on your perseverance too... that's what really makes the difference in the end....not giving up. :victory: You must be really pleased with yourself and I admire the fact that the plateaus didn't out-faze you.Well done @SannaKL.
Welcome! I'm new to commenting here too, but everyone is so nice and supportive-such a nice change from other forums I've been a part of!
:heart: Hi @SannaKL And Welcome. :heart:
Well done on the weight lost and sticking with this WOL that's brilliant considering you've not much to lose, and those little treasures from the back of the wardrobe are the best thanks for sharing your success and do stay with us your story and situation always applies to someone. :heart:
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