I’m from the U.S and recently learned about fasting... like yesterday XD
I’m fifteen and looking to lose some weight, but I’m a little scared of the fast being harmful. A lot of things says it is but on forums it doesn’t seem to be bad XD
I couldn’t tell you exactly how much I weigh, it’s like up and down and I don’t often get to check it as I don’t have a scale. yesterday it was 129. I’m not comfortable with that but I’m not sure what my ideal weight is. Whatever is healthy I guess, but a 100-110 pounds is kinda what I’m thinking.
This is my third day of fasting, I skip breakfast and lunch and only eat dinner, no overeating. Only drink water which I did anyway. I don’t have any issues, the hunger isn’t bad and it doesn’t bother me. Today has been the worst day, I expected it to get better.
I don’t count calories as I don’t make my own meals...
I do have several questions.
Could this effect my overall health?
How long could this take to lose ten or 20 pounds?
Do I take breaks? Would a break damage my progress?
I don’t often exercise to tell the truth, is that a major issue?
I’ve read that you can lose weight by skipping breakfast and lunch but gain it back in muscle? There’s a lot of things XD
Perhaps I should eat six small meals a day, that has worked in the past but I find it so much easier to skip meals because once I start eating I don’t want to stop.
I might not be doing this in the right place, but I just would like to ask these questions and get answers from fasters XD
Fasting sounds great but I don’t know.
Also, if I’m going along with my fasting just fine but my mother makes me a sandwich or something, would it be okay if I ate it or would it ruin everything?
I think that’s all... for now XD