First week on the 5:2 fast. I saw the Horizon programme last August and was very interested in the message it put out.
Then I forgot about it.
Recently found the book by Michael Mosley and Mimi Spencer "The Fast Diet" on Amazon and promptly ordered it.
Then on Monday I had my first day of fasting using no more than the 500 calories required for a female.
The day was fine inasmuch as I didn't suffer with the dreaded hunger pangs associated with some diets, I kept my liquid consumption up with black coffee or mineral water.
Today was my 2nd fasting day and as I was not at work, I took myself off for a good walk this afternoon. Really pleased that I did as this seemed to give me extra motivation and certainly starting to feel the 'feelgood' factor already.
I hope I can keep this up, I feel that this way of eating is really going to be a good benefit to my health and well being for the future. It certainly fits in with my lifestyle, without too much deprivation.
Good Luck to everyone participating - we will all make a big dent in the obesity problems in this country.